Monday, February 22, 2016


We were suppose to go on a bus trip while down here this year.  Anna and I booked in a month or so before we came.  Eli and Emma were going also.  Well, with Anna's broken leg, we thought it would be hard on her getting on and off the bus even though the company said they could make arrangements for her.

We tried to give our tickets to Olive and Albert, sort of a thank you for what they are doing for us, but they said their scenic traveling days are mostly over.  Eli and Emma were going to cancel, but we felt that they shouldn't cancel their plans just because we couldn't go.  So we gave our tickets to Amos and Fanny, so they could go.

It is a tour of some of the historic and tourist attractions of the state.  Not really the whole state, but several of the places.  If they offer it again another year, Anna and I would like to go on it, but this doesn't seem the year.

Anna and I aren't leaving here for a few weeks, but when we do go, we are stopping at Porter's house on the way north.  His house is in Florida.  Eli and Emma stopped on the way down and we were suppose to be with them, but because of Anna's fall we came behind.  So Porter is going to see that we see his house on the way back.  When he was up north he saw both of Eli and my train collections.  Well, now he wants us to see his.  Eli said you wouldn't believe it when you see it.  You think we have big collections - they are nothing compared to Porter's.  Porter started collecting when he was a child.  He wanted to work on the railroad, which he does in a way, as Porter.  Some of the sets he bought as a child are worth a lot of money today.  He also got some at auctions, estates, etc.  So I took forward to see his collection.

A couple things you might find interesting is  first they are expanding Pinecraft in an area here.  More people are coming and they are running out of room.  Also, there is a company that wants to build a hotel near here for people who come to visit, don't have cottages - it would give them a place to stay.  There are some hotels near here, but not as close as they are proposing this one.

City of Sarasota sort of thinks of us as a somewhat historical site and want to preserve Pinecraft here. They are working on a proposal that would allow things here that are not allowed in other sections of the city - like renting bicycles, selling baked goods and crafts in front of our house and more.  Eli  and some of the other men went to the city meetings.  

I had to laugh when Eli was telling us about it.  Never thought of myself as a historical site.  Even though I dress different than the English world.

All of us that come here do spend a lot in the city, too.  We eat at their restaurants, buy groceries at their stores, use their buses and taxis, and lots more. Also, I think we are a bit of a tourist attraction to many people who come to visit the city.

Heard about the big snow storm that happened up north last week.  We are glad we were down here.  Called to make sure everything was taken care of and it was - including Anna's greenhouse.  Also, heard there may be another next week.

We really need the snow, though.  It helps our crops grow better.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Thanks for the update Elmer and Marilyn.
    Marilyn, how's Pierre?
    While there's still plenty of time for Winter to show up for real, I'm still looking forward to Spring. Our friends in Alabama have lovely Spring flowers in full bloom already.
    Blessings, Carol

  2. Good morning, Marilyn. LOL at Elmer...historical site. LOL I think it is wonderful that the city recognizes the contribution that Pinecraft makes to its city atmosphere. Have a good day.

  3. Good Morning Carol,
    You are welcome for the update.

    Pierre is doing well. Am waiting to get all the money together and the snow to go away and I will get the cyst removed. I think it will be the first part of next month.
    Spring will be coming. I know we have more snow coming. Glad Alabama is getting their spring.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  4. Good Morning Angela,
    I thought that was funny when Elmer told me. It is wonderful that the city recognizes Pinecraft for the people and what they ave contributed.

    Hope you have a good day, too,

  5. A very nice post Elmer. Your header picture is so very pretty Marilyn.

  6. Good Morning Vickie,
    Will see that Elmer gets your message. Glad you like the header.

    Hugs to Mable, Henry and Murphy,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  7. Elmer we all are becoming historical sights

  8. Hi Marilyn. It is always good to hear from Elmer. Loved Toms' comment too. I think his and Elmers' sense of humor is very good. Glad Elmer and Anna are having a good time. Train collections are pretty cool and how nice these men all have that in common. Hope the storm this week isn't too hard on you and Pierre. Spring is coming soon.

  9. Hi dynnamae n,
    I liked Elmer and Tom's comment's too. Will see that Elmer gets your message. Maybe the snow is coming as rain. Pierre and I can't wait until Spring.


  10. Thank you, Elmer. I like reading about life in Pinecraft and about other people's lives. I do hope that Pinecraft and its way of life can be "protected" for the people that visit every winter and the ones who live there year round.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn