Thursday, March 31, 2016


We are still in Florida.  Seeing we got here, after some talk from Grandmother Olive and Bishop Eli's Mother Fanny, they talked us into staying.  They will get all their places back this weekend.

Our family came down by Amtrak.  Thomas and Ruth had their own bedroom.  The rest of us was suppose to fit in the family bedroom, but it didn't work.  We all fit in the family bedroom, but there wasn't much room.  Thomas and Ruth came to our bedroom for prayer and decided, to give us more room, by taking David Jr. to sleep in their bedroom.

All of us enjoyed the dinning car.  Porter got to see that David Jr., Katie and Susan got a full tour of the train.  Children really enjoyed that.  We also enjoyed looking out the window and watching the scenery.  Michael and Edward enjoyed the train, too.  They said that is the way to travel.

At Pinecraft, David and I are sleeping in Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert's bedroom.  Michael, Edward and David Jr. are sleeping in the other bedroom with the bunk beds.  Susan and Katie sleep on the pull out couch in the living room.  Thomas and Ruth are staying in the cottage that Bishop Eli is trying to get Elmer and Anna to buy.  Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert are staying in the second bedroom at Eli's parents, Amos and Fanny's cottage.

At first we felt bad pushing our Grandparents out, but they said they are not having any problems  and are glad we are here.  So we appreciate everyone doing everything for us.

Grandmother Olive had dinner on the table when we got here.  She had all the beds made up and showed us where everything was.  We spend the evening talking with her and Grandfather Albert.  The children wanted to go see everything, but we told them to rest the first night.

I can't think of all we did and saw here, but on Easter Sunday we went to the Mennonite Church for service.  We went to dinner at Amos and Fanny's.

What is unusual here are all sorts of adults and young folks.  Some are dressed different orders Mennonite, some are Amish, and some are dressed as Englishers - but here we all seem as one.  When the adults meet or the young folks are together - we may be dressed different, but we believe in the Lord.

Young folks were, at different times, playing soft ball, volley ball, and more.  As Grandmother said there are dinners put on here on day a week.  All the money goes to charity.  We enjoyed those - ladies didn't have to cook and we were helping the work of the Lord.  Also, we have religious groups come in - they play instruments and sing.

There are adult activities such as shuffle board, checkers, yard sales, scrabble, quilting, and more.  The girls and I worked on the quilt that Fanny, Grandmother Olive and Anna were working.  It still isn't finished yet, but we hope it is done soon.

Of course, we went to see the shopping stores.  Michael and Edward went to Siesta Key swimming.  We have gone out to eat at Yoder's.  Of course, we went walking and got ice cream cones in the evening.

We are really enjoying ourselves.  It is really an enjoyable place for all of us.  Also, we have gotten together with Amos, Fanny, Grandmother and Grandfather for prayer.  A different man reads the bible and leads the prayer each evening.

Thomas and Ruth like the cottage that they are in, too.  They join us for most of our activities, but also, have done things by themselves.  We have tried to keep our young folks from bothering them.

It seems time is passing too fast.  Seems like we just got here and will soon be on our way back home.  David Sr. said we can look forward to this for our retirement - many years from now.  My Grandparents said they hope we don't wait that long to come back again.

Be With God,


  1. when you are having a good time, time passes quickly

  2. This sounds just perfect for everyone. So glad you are all enjoying yourselves.

  3. Good Morning Vickie,
    Will see they get your message. Seems like they are having a great time.

    Hugs to Mable, Henry and Murphy,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  4. Good morning, Marilyn. Thank you to Jean for sharing. Sounds busy!! How nice it must be to have so much family around to enjoy the time.

  5. What a wonderful post! And yes, time flys when you're having fun! Safe travels to you all as you come back home. God bless, Carol

  6. What a wonderful trip. Glad everyone had such a good time.My daughter lives 16 miles from there and we would visit Pinecraft every year.

    Porter sounds like he is a wonderful person to do all he does.

  7. Many thanks to Jean for taking time to tell all of us about their trip so far. It sounds like such a wonderful time. What fun for the children--the train ride and Florida. How fortunate for the families that Porter was working when that first train trip was taken. Have a safe trip back home.

  8. Hi Folks,
    I will see that Jean gets your message. Seems they are having a great time. Will be coming this weekend.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn