Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Here are some pictures of the new to me car. This was not an easy decision.  I did lots of praying before I decided to trade.  I never took Pierre in the old car unless I had to because I was afraid one of the windows would slide down and he would go out.  So the only time he rode was to the vets or groomer.  Sunday morning I took Pierre for a ride.  It was not to the vet or groomers - just a ride in the new car.  The car was stopped when I took Pierre's pictures with his head out the window.  It takes some getting use to as it is smaller than the Lincoln was.  It is better on gas.  Also, they gave me a two year warranty on the car - bumper to bumper.  I believe it has Pierre's approval, too.


  1. Oh, Marilyn, it is so pretty! I love red...I know it was hard to give up your old car, but think of how many new adventures you and Pierre will have in this beauty! Have a great day!

  2. Congratulations to you on the new wheels! You are right that this was a big decision but one that Pierre certainly seems to approve of! Here's wishing you many happy miles in your new car for many years.....enjoy!

  3. Pierre looks great! Oh yeah, the car does too. ;) We have our second Ford Fusion. Good choice Marilyn.

  4. Oh what a beauty. Love the red, you will enjoy this car years to come. I'm very happy for you.

  5. Marilyn, so happy for you!! I love red, my first new car that I ever bought for myself, was a little red Ford Pinto that I bought back in 1976, with a black interior. I thought it was so cool! Enjoy your new ride, you deserve it and I am sure Pierre will enjoy being able to go on rides with you. Cathy in Webster

  6. Good Morning Everyone,
    I over slept this morning. Glad you all like the car. Pierre likes it too. I won't worry with Pierre in this car like I did in the old one. I love red too. That is my favorite color.

    When test driving it, I didn't want to go the the main highway in front of the dealer, so the salesman took me on a back road. On the back road were two places I was looking for to put on NYSOF. In fact, we drove part way through one of them in the car. So when the weather gets better, I have a place to go to get pictures to put on here of two places I think you will find interesting. A friend of mine mentioned another place, I think you will find interesting, so I will go there in the new car. So this new to me car is going places. Also have to take it for Elmer, Anna, Jean, etc. to see.

    Also,I had my local garage man check it over. He said the car is in excellent condition. There isn't anything wrong with it - which made me feel better. He says if anything goes wrong a screen lights up and told me where the screen is and how it works. Said I got a good car, good price and good financing. I worried being a woman alone when I bought it. Said I did a great job.


  7. Thank You, Lord, for blessing Marilyn with a good car! Keep her safe as she travels. And I also ask that she may have this car a good many years. In Jesus name, Amen! Continued blessings, Carol

  8. Good Morning Carol,
    Thank you for the prayer on the car. I appreciate it. When I got it to drive it home, I said a prayer, then, too. I asked the Lord to bless the car and give myself and Pierre many happy and safe miles in it.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  9. Good luck with new car, red is always a good color choice.

  10. Nice car, Marilyn! It will be so much easier to park and to back out of parking spaces!

  11. Hi Folks,
    This car is easier to park than the old car. Red is my favorite color. I was tired of beige, which the old car was. Wanted a different color. Being color blind I am picky what colors I get. I think you can see red better coming down the road.


  12. Marilyn, your "new" car is lovely. Pierre looks so good in it too and I'm sure he will enjoy future rides that are just for pleasure, not necessity trips. I'm glad your mechanic checked it all out for you and praised your choice, etc. That has to make you feel good. Good job. Hugs to you and Pierre.

  13. Hi dynnamae n,
    So glad you like the car. Pierre does enjoy it to and not all are necessary trips. Am glad the mechanic checked it out, too and told me I made a good choice. makes me feel better.

    Hugs back to you,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  14. I think the two car seats in the back seat have been locked in there for five or maybe six years. When we had to go buy a new bigger vehicle, it was kind of sad saying goodbye to a trusted friend who protected my babies all these years. They are going to be wearing seat bets soon so a change was in order.

    Newton @ Fiesta Nissan Santa Fe


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn