Tuesday, April 26, 2016


The top two African Violets are from littlemancat.  She said: Here are a couple of pics of my violets - only have three total.  I don't have much window space so just enjoy these.  The one with dark purple - the single flowers - is a plant I grew from a leaf.  The "Momma" was bought at the Phila show years ago.  The orchid color one, the double, was a gift from my son and I think it was bought at a Trader Joe's grocery store.

The following three African Violets pictures were sent to us by Vanssmomc.

Thank you both for sending these pictures of your beautiful African Violets.


  1. There sure are a lot of violet lovers out there!

  2. Good Morning Thomas,
    There sure are !!!


  3. Thanks for putting these on, Marilyn. I think picture number 1 and number 3 look like twins.


  4. Good Morning Mary,
    Thank you for e-mailing the pictures so I could put them on. You are right, they do look like twins.


  5. Oh Marilyn dear, I have NOT forgotten to send you my African violet picture. I have only the pink one in bloom right now. I have been suffering terrible headaches for almost 7 weeks straight. I see a neurologist today, as the ct scan is normal. I did take a picture it turned out bad. I will get another and send it to you. Please pray for me.
    The last African violet I am in love with. I had that one once. It died on me years ago. I love the variegation of the leaves. The pale, pretty pink. ♥

  6. Good Morning Vickie,
    You are in my prayers right now. When you get a chance, send the pictures, I will put them on, don't worry about it. Your health comes first. The African Violet Show was the first variegated one I had ever seen like that last one.

    Give hugs to Mable, Henry and Murphy,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  7. These beautiful photos make me miss having plants myself. Environment and 2 cats don't allow them. I do love the variegated leaves and have never seen one in person. That plant is lovely even without blooms. I will keep Vickie in my prayers also, Marilyn. Hugs to you and Pierre.

  8. Good Morning dynnamae n,

    These are beautiful pictures. Sorry you can't have plants. Yes, please keep Vickie in your prayers.

    Hugs back to you and your kitties,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  9. Hi Marilyn, Just prayed for Vickie. Hope Dr will be able to determine the cause of the HA's and fix the problem.
    I was about to ask about the last pic, but others answered my question. I've never seen a violet like that before. Very different, very nice!
    Is Anna behaving herself since getting her cast off yesterday? Continued healing and strengthening is the name of the game now. God bless her and Elmer!
    God bless you, too! In Christ, Carol

  10. It was so nice to stop by here again today and see you all praying for me. Thank you so much. In less than one hour I leave for the neurologist now.

  11. Hi Carol,
    Thank you for your prayers for Vickie. I know she appreciates them. I hope her doctor solves the problem.

    Those African violets are beautiful. Very different one.

    Anna is obeying what the doctor said. I think Elmer is seeing she does what she is suppose to do and not do what she isn't suppose to do. Will see they get your message.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  12. Hi Vickie,
    Even though most of us have never met, we are like a family. Let us know what the doctor says.


  13. Gorgeous pics. Besutiful colors. Don't think that I have ever seen one with variegated leaves, unless you posted one earlier.

  14. Hi Anonymous,

    I may have posted one with African Violet Show, but I am not sure. That variegated is beautiful.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn