Monday, April 11, 2016


Our whole family would like thank you for your prayers, and sympathy at this hard time.  I know my Mother is with the Lord.  But, it was shock.  We weren't expecting it.  I am glad that even though she had alzheimer disease and heart disease that she not suffer for years and years.  If, I had a choice, and God makes the decisions, I would rather have her go sooner than have her suffer for many, many years.

It was also hard on Bishop Eli as he and Elmer have been close friends for many years. Being that, Eli, Emma and I have also been close friends.  So, Eli said, it was one of the hardest funerals he had to do.  We know it was hard and thank him for doing it for my Mother and our family.

Elmer and I were discussing it and we have been very lucky to have our four parents as long as we did.  They have seen us grow up, their grandchildren and the start of their great-grandchildren.  How many people live to be our age and married as long as we have been and our parents are with us.  We know of many friends that have lost their parents long before ours.

Also, we have thought that we have lived as long as we had.  We have had our children and now our grandchildren that have come and will be more coming into the world.  It shows our age.  Makes us realize how old we really are.

Of course we thank all our friends - Amish, Old Order Mennonite and Englishers, for all they did after my Mother passed.  Some took care of our farm, our meals, and whatever we needed or wanted. It was so kind of them all.

Over the years our family has seen many people with alzheimer disease.  Back when I was a child, we called it old folks disease.  When my Mother first realized she had it and got over the shock, she sat all of my brothers, sisters, their spouses, Elmer and me down.  She wanted us to know that no matter what she says when this disease effects her mind that she loves us.  If the disease takes over, she might not act that way or maybe we won't feel that way - but she does love us.  All though we should not have pride, she and my Father are proud of all of is.  If a time comes when she does not recognize us, to remember the past good times in our heart - not the way she will be then.  Although she had gotten confused, she still knew who we were.

I also thank Grandfather Albert, Grandmother Olive, Amos and Fanny for coming up from Florida to attend my Mother's funeral.  We also had some of our family and friends come from Pennsylvania, Ohio and other parts of New York.  I know this made many of the people change their plans to come here.

Also, thank Marilyn for taking me to the African Violet Show.  Marilyn called me about something else and just mentioned the show.  I mentioned it to Elmer and the next thing I knew he was calling Marilyn back telling her that I wanted to go.  After they made arrangements, I told him I couldn't go.
Elmer said African Violets were my Mothers favorite flowers and were also my favorite flowers.  She would want me to go.  Also, I would always remember my Mother in my heart, she wouldn't want me home feeling sad over her.

So Saturday we went.  Elmer had to come along as I brought my wheel chair and it fit in the trunk of Marilyn's car.  I could sit and sort of stretch my leg across the back seat.  Think we all had an enjoyable time.  Even brought some more African violets home with me.  Enjoyed talking with other people that enjoyed them, too.

Trust God's Wisdom


  1. This is a time for family and friends to come together and support each other.

  2. I agree with Elmer that your mom would of wanted you to go to the show. I am sure it stirred up many great memories for you. I am currently caring for my father who has dementia so I understand what it was like for you all. It is difficult to see him fail and yet through it all there have been many moments of love shown through this terrible disease. Great post Anna!!! God Bless Veronica Praying for you all always!!

  3. Once again, the Body of Christ in action. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace,peace, and comfort to Anna and all her family. Blessings, Carol

  4. Such a difficult time for you all. I am glad that you are doing alright. Have you ever owned African Violets with variegated leaves?

  5. You may never know what a shining example of love and devotion
    your Family has been and oh, the wisdom your Mother expressed in
    her talk with you all. Quite a legacy from this caring and
    brave woman......she did, indeed, "Trust God's Wisdom"....

  6. Hi Folks,
    Will see that Anna gets all your messages and questions.


  7. What a wonderful thing Anna's mother did. I would imagine that there were many times her loved ones got comfort from what she told them in the early days of her illness. A great gift.
    Hoping everyone's doing well but it is okay to be sad too. Don't hurry through those feelings.
    Glad to hear about the trip to see the violets. A good thing to do.
    Thanks for sharing with us.


  8. Hi Marilyn,

    Please thank Anna for taking the time to post her message - it was very uplifting in its own way, showing the grace, love and wisdom of the generations of her family and community. I am sure Anna's mom enjoyed the African violets along with her ....please send my love to all and know everyone is in my thoughts and prayers....


  9. Hi Laura,

    I will see that Anna gets your message. We enjoyed the African Violets.


  10. Thank you, Anna, for this post. My sympathies once again. Your mother must have been quite a woman and, like you, an inspiration to all of us.

    The African violet show was a nice event to go to after such a sad time in your lives.


  11. Anna, this post made me teary eyed. What a great tribute to your mother, that Bishop Eli found it a hard funeral to do and that the folks traveled up from Florida. That's a long trip on such short notice, especially for us "seniors"!

    Going to the violet show seems like such a nice way to honor your mother's memory.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn