Monday, June 13, 2016


I have been asked by Marilyn and Elmer to say something about the 50 people that were killed and the 53 that were injured in Orlando, Florida.  Unfortunately, this is getting to be happening more and more often.  A person, whether their religious beliefs, or their mental condition, people are doing this.

Remember when I thought this would never happen to us until it happened in an Amish School in Pennsylvania where the girls were killed.  Even after 911, I thought it wouldn't happen in our area, until I found out that there was a man that was going into a place in Rochester, which is about 30 miles from where I live, if the police hadn't found out first and arrested him.

Now, it seems to be happening in schools, restaurants, drinking establishments, planes and more.  The thoughts that came to me is what do we do when things like this happen?  What can we do for the people that were injured or killed?  What can we do for ourself?

First, we should pray for the people that were injured and the families of those that passed (died).  We pray that the Lord will help them through this hard time.  Also, that if they don't know the Lord, that someone or someway will happen to lead them to Him.  Sometimes, it is times like this that lead people to the Lord.  Sometimes, unfortunately, people turn against the Lord at times like this.

Times are changing in these days.  In the Englisher world and in the Amish world.  When I was a child, we use to leave our doors unlocked all the time.  In fact, we didn't even have locks on our doors.  Some Amish still don't lock their doors.  In our Old Order Amish, I allow locks on doors and the doors locked.  In fact, I encourage it.  Also, we never thought anyone would kill someone else except in major cities.  Then we thought just in areas where drugs are sold.  Now drugs use and sales has spread and so has killing.

Am I going to say there ought to be a law against guns? No.  Do I own a gun?  Yes.  I have a rifle that I use for hunting deer.  So I am not against guns.

What should we do?  First, I hope you know the Lord.  We never know when our time will come, not that we will die in what happened in Orlando.  But we must be ready.

Also, we must "Trust ye in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength."Isaiah 26;4.  At this time, we can not be in fear all the time. We must trust in the Lord.  We are His children.

Trust God's Wisdom,
Bishop Eli


  1. I thank Bishop Eli for his post. I have nothing to add but just agree with what he said. We need to hold onto our faith and keep praying for others. Blessings on you today.

  2. Please thank Bishop Eli. I agree with him, guns have a place in our lives. Guns do not know hate, only man has that emotion. Praying for all.

  3. Bishop Eli, thank you for taking tiime to do this post. Very much appreciated. Thank you, Marilyn and Elmer for asking Bishop Eli.

  4. Good Morning dynnamae n,
    I thank Bishop Eli for doing this as I got him on short notice after watching about what happened in Orlando on TV. I watched the TV - not him. Anyway, I appreciate his doing this.


  5. Good Morning Angela,
    I agree with you regarding the guns. I will see that Bishop Eli gets your message.


  6. Good Morning Anonymous,

    I asked Elmer first and he thought I should ask Bishop Eli. I also thank Elmer and Bishop Eli, too, they both come through whenever I ask. Glad you appreciate it.


  7. Good Morning Vickie,

    I will see he gets your message.


  8. Thank you, Bishop Eli. As born-again Christians we should know that God says this world will wax worse and worse as time goes by. We must always be looking to the Lord, believing on and trusting Him. None of us can do this on our own. "Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Prov 3:4+5
    Blessings to all, Carol

  9. Hi Carol,
    I will see that Bishop Eli gets your message. The world is coming like is in the Bible.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn