Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Someone asked Jean about remedies for arthritis and seeing that I have it, Jean thought it would be better if I gave the post.  First of all, see your doctor.  I am not a medical doctor.  If you try anything I suggest, you do it at your own risk.

In remedies as in doctor prescriptions, some work for some people and some don't.  So they have to give them something else.  When treating someone with herbs, food advice, vitamins, etc.  you have to see what works - that is why I have so many suggestions.

Sometimes food cause arthritis pain.  Some of these foods are:sugar, pork,strawberries, egg plant, green peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes.  These can cause sort of a food poisoning in the system which is harmful to sensitive people.

Regarding food, it might help to reduce fat in your diet - it might reduce the pain.  Eat less eggs, beef, pork and cheese.

Calcium and vitamin D combined pills also have been known to work on some people.

I make Alfalfa Tea, which has helped both Albert and I.  Use 1 ounce Alfalfa seed (untreated) with 1 1/4 pints of water.  Put in glass or enamel pan (not medal) and cook (not boil, so water is just moving) for one-half hour.  After cooking, strain, squeezing or pressing seeds dry.  To Use: mix strong base with one-half water (or to taste) for hot or cold tea.  Use six or seven cups or four or five glasses a day for at least two weeks.

Drink 3 oz pure aloe vera juice 3 times a daily.

This one is very popular herbal tonic in the south.  If you or your  medicine has a reaction to citric acid - don't try this one.  Cut 6 oranges, 6 lemons, 6 grapefruit.  Cook the sliced fruit (peels and all) in 2 quarts of water and strain.  Then add 1/2 c. Epsom salt.  Let the water cook down to 1 quart and let stand overnight.  Take 1 Tablespoon 3 times a day.

I have more remedies, but I don't want to give you anything that will take a long time to make or has herbs that you may not have.

Sometimes, being warmer helps the pain go away.  Maybe wearing a sweater or shawl.  When we are up north, on my side of the bed, I have the bottom sheet, a blanket to cover me, top sheet and then another blanket.  As Albert does not like the inside blanket - it makes him hot - I have a blanket that just covers me.  Some people have gotten an electric blanket and say that helps.

Being in Florida, the pain doesn't seem as bad down here.  I think it has to do with the warm weather.  Of course, it does get cold down here in the winter, but not as cold as up north.  It being warmer longer in Florida, seems to help not just Albert and myself, but other of the residents with arthritis, too.

Again, anything you try is at your own risk.  Please check with your doctor.

Be With God,


  1. Good Morning Tom,

    I will tell Grandmother Olive


  2. From what I know, breads, grains, simple carbs are culprits in flaring up joint pain, too. Thanks Grandmother Olive for your advice. It's always good to know a disclaimer is given when herbal remedies are given and people are advised to see their doctors first. Wisdom is paramount. Blessings, to you and Grandfather Albert, Carol

  3. Good Morning Carol,

    I will see that Grandmother Olive gets your message. It is important that people see their doctors.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn