Monday, June 20, 2016


Guess, I haven't a post on in a while.  Didn't realize it until someone asked if we were all right.  Thank you for asking, we are.  Busy time of the year.  We are all plowing and planting.

My last recipe, seems to have been one that you liked.  I am trying to get recipes on with the seasons. To give recipes that go along with the current fruits and vegetables.  If you would like certain recipes, please let me know.

Today is Father's Day, as I give this.  We combined with Elmer's Amish group.  As most of the Mother's Day and Father's Day dinners are usually held at Bishop Eli's, we had it at our house this year.  We set up outside.

The men do all the work on Mother's Day, we ladies were going to set up all the tables and chairs outside - but the men wouldn't hear of it.  They set up the tables and chairs - us ladies did the rest.  We did the putting the settings and food on the table.  Usually, we have a sit down at the tables, this time we had you could walk through and fill up plates or sit down and we serve you - which ever you wanted.  The men went first and the ladies second.  Oh, I almost forgot, before we ate, Bishop Joseph greeted us and offered grace.  After dinner, Bishop Eli offered closing.

In addition to the food, the young folks played volley ball.  The men talked.  Us ladies went into the kitchen and talked.  In our house, we have air conditioning do to when Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert lived here.  We got permission for the air conditioning do to Grandfather Albert's heart condition.  We got permission to turn it on today, from Bishop Joseph, do to the fact it was almost 90 degrees outside.  We didn't want someone, that the heat bothered, sitting outside in the hot sun.  We had tables inside our house that people could sit and dine at.  We had a couple of older people use them.

After words, the men took the tables down and put them in the wagons.  Ladies offered, but we were glad that the men did it.  We all sang some religious songs.  Both Bishop Joseph and Bishop Eli thanked the ladies for all the work and everyone for coming.  People left shortly before milking time.

Tomorrow is washing day, so Katie and Susan will help me.  Then we are going to clean the house and put everything back where it was.

Bishop Eli said, Lord willing, he would have Father's Day at his house next house next year.  It really wasn't hard having it at our house as all helped.  I believe we all enjoyed it.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention, a few months ago, that Katie's grandfather passed away.  His wife lived in a big house all alone, after he passed.  Right now, she is living with us where Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert use to live.  We and Katie would like her to move in with us full time.

She is has lived in the city, all her life.  She likes to go to the opera, plays, etc. , which we don't have here.  So, her stay with us is sort of a dry run to see if she could live our way of life.  We allowed her to have certain items in there, which we don't use like television, and radio.  If she likes, she can move in permanent.  She is Katie's only natural relative and she would like to live near Katie. Katie would like her near full time, too.

If Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert came back, we would still have room for them - although we would have some bedroom changes as we would want them on the ground floor.

Be With God,


  1. Yesterday was a beautiful day!

  2. Good Morning Tom,

    It sure was. Today should be almost as beautiful !!!


  3. Glad all enjoyed Father's Day. So sorry for Katie's loss of her G'pa. If it be God's will that her G'ma moves to David+Jeans home, it shall be so. Blessings to all, Carol

  4. Good Morning Carol,

    They are trying out to see how it goes. If it's God's will she will stay. If it's not, she will move back to her house.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  5. Wow! What a huge change for Katie's Grandma, and for all. I hope this all works out for the best.

  6. Good Morning Vickie,

    Will see that Jean gets your message. It is a big change.


  7. So happy to see Jean is back! I enjoy ALL the posts, but have missed hers. Glad all is fine at her end! Love to her family.

  8. Hi Diann,

    I will see that Jean gets your message. She hasn't been on for a while. Will try to get her on more regular.


  9. I'm a week late reading Jeans post. Thank you Jean for giving us this "update".. It's so good of you to take time to do this. Have missed "hearing" from you..


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn