Sunday, September 18, 2016

People Do Not Pick Up Their Dog Poop. So.......

My neighbor made this sign.  I thought you might enjoy it.  At the bottom is says: Grab it.  Bag it.  Toss it.


  1. Some people can be so lazy and thoughtless.

  2. Ha! I could have used this in my own front yard this week. Our poodles NEVER go in our front yard, never. I walked across our own front yard to go to the library, and yep, stepped in dog poop from someone else's dog! grr!

  3. Hi Vickie,
    The same thing here. All that live in these apartments, that have dogs, pick up their dog poop, but when we go out we step is someone else's dog poop. People walk their dogs by here and don't pick up. grr!


  4. Thoughtless, lazy, not willing to be responsible nor accountable for their own actions or lack thereof- the nature of all people, unless one is willing to to overcome. Blessings, Marilyn. Carol

  5. Good Morning Carol,
    I agree with you.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn