Saturday, October 22, 2016


Chicago Cubs FINALLY made it to the World Series - first time since 1946.  Before I was born.  The last time they won a World Series was 1908 - before my Mom was born.  She grew up in Chicago, met my Dad there, married there, had my oldest brother George there and the Cubs were her team throughout her life.  Wish my Mom was here to see this !!!!


  1. Good Morning Marilyn, I am very happy for the Cubs! And as a Ohio girl, I was born in Akron, Ohio and raised in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, I am super excited that the Cleveland Indians also made it. Very happy to see that two teams that have not made it in a long time to the World Series will be playing, should make for a good series. Kudos to both teams!! Cathy in Webster

  2. Good Morning Cathy,
    I saw it was going to be the Cleveland Indians, too. I agree with the two from Ohio, that should be a great World Series. Plan on watching every game of it.


  3. Good Morning Tom,

    My Mom use to say that all the time.


  4. Our Pastor was raised in Chicago, and is a big Cubs fan. He surely is one happy camper! My husband has been a fan of the Indians since childhood. He "confessed" to our Pastor yesterday and they both had such a great laugh! For me, I think it's great there are 2 different teams in the Series this year. Good break from the usual "rut root" teams who seem to keep dominating. It surely will be interesting to watch. May the best team win, and they will, whichever one pulls it off. Blessings, Marilyn! Carol

  5. Good Morning Carol,
    I'm with your Pastor and hope the Cubs win. It is great that they are different teams this year. They are both from Ohio.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn