Monday, December 19, 2016


David is Jean's husband and has not made a post for a long time.  In fact, it may have been on Amish Stories, I am not sure.  But he is here today for our Christmas Post.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." St. Luke 2: 11-12.

Can you imagine the joy that Mary and Joseph felt when baby Jesus was born?  Knowing not only they were parents, but of their and our Saviour Jesus.  I wonder if they really cared that they hadn't had gotten a room at the inn.  Or that Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes instead of expensive clothes.  I don't think so.

I can remember back to when Jean and I had Susan and later, David Jr.  The thrill of seeing the baby, we had waited so long for. Holding the child in my arms.  Counting all the fingers and toes.  Knowing that this child was ours, a gift from God, to raise in the ways of the Lord.

So was this when Michael, Edward, Thomas and Katie came into our home.  They were a little big for us to hold in our arms - except Katie.  We did not count their fingers or toes, but they all have them.  Know that these children, too, are a gift to us from God, to raise in His ways.

I feel sorry for people who do not have children.  Some it is God's will.  Some it is their desire not to have children.  As, I said, we believe that every child is a gift from God.  Also, I can not understand why someone would not want to have children, but that would be a whole another post.

At, this Christmas, I wonder what it would have been like to hold baby Jesus in my arms?  What would it have been like to hold Him against my chest?  To count his fingers and toes.  The thrill of knowing I was holding the Messiah. No, I do not feel or believe that I am worthy enough to hold baby Jesus.

When I read the Bible and the Birth of Jesus, especially to my family, I try to make it so they understand the Birth of Jesus like I do.  He could have been born in some expensive hotel of the time.  He could have had the most expensive baby clothes and robes that money could buy.  He could have been born to the richest people in the world.  But, no, that is not what He chose.

He shows us that it doesn't matter how much money we have.  Where we were born.  Who our parents are.  What He wants is us to come to Him.  He is our saviour.  He is our Messiah.  Let us worship Jesus.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

Be With God,


  1. Good Morning Tom,
    Same to you and yours.


  2. Thank you for this post David. You have given us a lot to think over.

  3. Hi Vickie,
    I will see that David receives your message. He has given us a lot to think over.

    Merry Christmas,

  4. Thank you, David. God's grace, mercy, and love expressed through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Many blessings to you and your precious family, Carol

  5. Hi Carol,
    I will see that David gets your message. He was kind of worried about this post because he hadn't done it in years and wasn't sure he would express what he felt. I thought he did a great job.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn