Friday, December 16, 2016


Sorry, I am late today with a post.  I will have one on tomorrow, too.  I took these pictures this morning.  Randy always saw that the birds were fed and as he is no longer here, in his honor, we see the birds are fed.  Sam, upstairs of me, loaded the bird feeder before the snow storm.  Here the birds are through my window.  If I open the door or window, they fly away so I take them through the window. Reminds of the song from Mary Poppins - Feed the Birds.

We really got snowed yesterday and last night.  It is 9:30 AM and they are finally digging us out.  I couldn't walk Pierre because it was too deep, so I cleared my outside porch so he could go potty.  Snow so deep, I couldn't get across the street to walk Bella.  I hope her father did.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn