Tuesday, February 7, 2017


I have been ill for almost the last month.  Have been for tests and it doesn't seem too serious.  Still it isnt healing.  Then I got a face infection.  Right now, I am taking a medicine  that is strong that takes all the enegy out of me.  So, right now, that is why I haven't had any posts on.

Seems I am spending most of my time going for tests or to the doctors or resting.  My insurance doesn't pay for everything, somethings aren't covered and somethings I don't like what the doctor said.  I go back to my doctor a week from Friday and if I don't get any results, I think I will change  or at least consult another doctor.

Just want you to know why I haven't had any posts on.  I have to take this medicine for three more days and I should get back to myself - I hope.



  1. So sorry to hear this, Marilyn. Sending you all good thoughts and wishes,

  2. Good Morning Mary,
    Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.


  3. Take care dear Marilyn. I am praying for you.♥

  4. Take care of yourself. That comes before anything else.
    We are praying for you.

  5. Sorry to hear, Marilyn. Take care of you first. The blog comes last. We will still be here.
    Sending wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery!

  6. Take care, Marilyn. Do not worry about the blog. It will be here when you are feeling better. God bless. Rosemary

  7. Sorry to hear you have been unwell Marilyn....I agree that sometimes getting a second opinion can be helpful....I hope you get some answers and recover....you are number one at the moment...so take care - God Bless.....

  8. Good afternoon Marilyn, so sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hoping for a quick recovery for you and there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to another doctor. Your health is important, the blog can wait, we will all still be here. Take care Marilyn! Cathy in Webster

  9. Thank you all so much. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. It is so kind of you. Also appreciate your understanding. There will be one on, I think it is February 9th. I made it up last week or the week before and switched it.

    Bless you all,

  10. Concentrate on getting better. I hope you finally get over this.

  11. Dear Marilyn.....Since I include reading of your blog daily, I consider you a friend and wish that I could come over and bring some tea, soup, and of course a sweet thing for dessert! But alas, since I cannot, I send along lots of wishes for a speedy and smooth recovery. Spring is coming so the Earth is in a time of renewal - even for us! Take care....Chris

  12. I hope you find out what is going on so you can get the treatment you need to heal.
    Lynda in Michgan

  13. Praying you will get proper answers and the Lord will grace you with healing. Blessings, Carol

  14. Marilyn,
    I hope you feel better soon!

  15. Thank you all for all your prayers and thoughts. You are like family to me and I appreciate everything.


  16. You don't know me, but I enjoy reading your blog from here in the UK. So sorry to hear that you've been ill, and I hope you recover soon. Take care of yourself, and let others care for you too. Kindest wishes, Deborah

  17. So sorry to hear of your dilemma, Marilyn. All too often the side
    effects of medicine add to the discomfort. If a second opinion seems advisable, please don't hesitate. You don't want to prolong the illness and mystery. Praying that you will be restored completely soon.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn