Marilyn, being so ill ignored watering her poor African Violet plants and they became in almost as bad condition as she was. She thought that she would have to throw those out and get new ones. I wished she had taken pictures of them, but she felt so bad of their condition, she couldn't.
When I was at her apartment and she showed them to me, I told her they would come back. I don't think she believed me. I want to pass this on to you in case this happens to you or a friend. I removed the larger dead leaves. I did not remove them all. I put some fertilizer in them and then watered them. Explained to Marilyn to water them every two weeks if needed. All three of them are coming back to life.
I know you are going to ask what kind of fertilizer I used. She had Miracle-Gro and that is what I used. There are no flowers yet, but they will come. I told her to bring them to my house next time she comes because, now that they are coming to life, I want to remove some more of the dead leaves not that new ones are blooming. I am very careful about what I remove. Don't want to over remove.
Questions people ask me if I put African Violets in new soil twice a year? Not unless they need it. If they are starting to out grow the pot they are in, I change the soil when I move them into a bigger pot. Also, I change the soil, if the plant doesn't seem to be doing what I think it should. I use regular African Violet soil that we get at Walmart.
Do I water African Violets from the bottom or the top? I usually water them from the bottom. In Marilyn's case, those African Violets needed water fast - so I watered from the bottom and lifted the leaves and put a little water on the top. I didn't want to drown them. You can go from extreme to the other if you water too much.
Do I know that I am not doing what some of the African Violet say people should do? Yes. I know they say to change their soil twice a year. I also know they said you should use special fertilizer. Most say you should always water from the bottom. I am telling you what I do. No way am I telling others to change their ways.
Have I ever owned African Violets with variegated leaves? Yes, I have. When I get them, people buy them as fast as I get them in. What is funny is that originaly variegated African Violets were considered damaged African Violets. Now, we are going back many, many years. Today people can't wait to get them.
Variegated African Violets don't need as much water as regular and not as much light. African Violets variegated look beautiful and when they bloom they are stunning. They can be shown in shows like other African Violets.
Is there a difference if you buy African Violets from the grocery store or nurseries? I have bought both. Sometimes grocery stories put too much water in them because who ever handles the plants doesn't realize that you only water African Violets when they need it not every week. If fact, I went into a grocery store that was selling African Violets really low priced because the plants were dying is what they told me. I bought them all. Elmer thought I was wasting money. He told me he would take me to another store and buy some in better condition. I told him we would pay triple the price and there is nothing wrong with these. Got them home, took them out of the plastic containers and put them in regular African Violet pots. Fertilized them and watered them just when they needed them. Put them in the light. It took a month before they were really in great condition and longer before they bloomed. When they were blooming I took them in the house and showed Elmer. First, he couldn't believe that those were the ones we bought in the grocery store. Then he told me to leave them in the house so he could look at them. Some of them are still in our house. Some of them got sold.
Elmer likes African Violets because they look pretty and don't stink as he says of other flowers. He doesn't like the smell of flowers - they make him sneeze. So African Violets are perfect in our house.
Trust God's Wisdom,
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Thank you to all our armed forces who have given the ultimate gift, have given service and are giving of their time for our country. God Be With You.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Sheila sent us pictures of her beautiful quilts and said: "Quilting has been a big part of my life for close to 60 years. When I was pregnate with out 5th back in the early 60's, my grandmother sent me some small embroidered blocks that my mother had done for my younger brother, but had never quilted. She was hoping quilting would click (it did) as crocheting hadn't, (but it and knitting did later on). I sat in the swing and quilted that top in my lap, using a piece of flannel for batting. I knew nothing. I learned from books from the library, since I was already married and away from home and family by then. When my son, David, was grown and married and a father of their daughter, I passed that quilt along to her, touching 5 generations."
The first quilt, she made the Feathered Star for her oldest grandaughter, Stephanie, to take to college. She picked out the pattern and fabric.
The second quilt, was Reach for the Stars, made for David and Theresa's wedding in 1990 when they were on their was to Houston to work for NASA.
The Third was: North Carolina Lily, she always loved the red and green quilts.
The Fourth is: Mama's Garden Baskets. Two of these blocks were her mom's embroidery patterns, the Tulips and the Roses.
The Fifth Quilt is: New York Beauty or Rocky Road. She did this one all by hand. She didn't do the Wing Rose on the wall, I bought that one.
The Sixth Quilt: Dear Bridey, done in memory of her grandmother, Mary Bridget. Some of the quilt patterns that she had done, and other blocks and photos relating to her life.
Quilt Seven is: Feathered Star.
Quilt Eight: Bryan Family Album of Memories, telling the story of the women in our family.
Quilt Nine: Bryan Family Album Quilt.
I thank Sheila for sending us the pictures and telling us about her beautiful quilts. It is so very kind of her. They are all beautiful.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
I thank dynnamae n for sending me the four barns. I really appreciate it. Her barns are from Clare region in Michigan. This is the first yellow barn she has seen. The last one is one I took while driving around last weekend.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
I finally got out taking pictures last weekend. Didn't get many, but got a few. In the first pictures you can't see the horses very well. The last three are of plowing a field.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Michael asked me if I would put on something that you might not know about me. I thought that you knew everything about me. Martha said that there were a few you didn't know. She thought the question was funny.
It took thinking, but I did decide that you didn't know that I enjoy playing golf. Do to being a Bishop and a farmer, I don't get to do it very often, but I do enjoy it. How did I get interested in that?
When I was in my teen years, I use to work for an Englisher that had a large house and yard. I would mow the lawn, take care of the flowers growing around the outside of the house, plant whatever they wanted planted, etc. Their house backed up to a golf course and sometimes during my break, I would watch the Englishers play golf. After working there for a while, I got interested in golf. The people I worked for did not play golf, which was odd seeing their house backed up to the golf course. I guess the house had something to do with price and location.
Anyway I was out one Friday with some of my Old Order Mennonite and Englisher friends when one of the Englisher's said he was going to play golf the next day. When we got alone, I told him I was interested in that. He said what would my Bishop say. I said I wasn't going to tell him and anyway there is no Old Order Mennonite law that says you can't. My friend said before you got out on the course you need lessons. So he would meet me the next day and started teaching me, which he did.
He wouldn't even let me out on the golf course until I learned some of the strokes. I borrowed a set of clubs from him and when I could, I practiced in a field not to far from our house. Finally, the day came when my friend allowed me on the course with him. I was terrible. But, so were some of the other people out there. As I could only go out once in a while because of chores and job, I didn't get there to often, but went when I could with my friend.
My parents were the first to find out that I played golf. They tried to talk me out of it and I wouldn't listen, so they went to the Bishop. Now our Bishop believed in enforcing the correct ways of our religious beliefs as I do being Bishop - but he could find no rule against playing golf. In fact, he played golf once in a while. As long as I did my chores, job and did not use all my time and money on golf - a game once in a while wouldn't hurt. What could my parents say?
Of course, my Father tried to give me more chores to do. Even though the Bishop okayed it, my Father did not believe it was right. Said, even Bishop's could be wrong, once in a while. Still I snuck in a game every now and them.
I tried getting David, Jean's husband, to go with me. That was before they were married, but David thought it was too much work running around a course chasing a little ball trying to get it in a hole. But over the years, I found some of the members of our meeting house that play.
Now, I have made a real little 9 whole golf course in my back yard. It's way behind the house near the other end of the field. Like I said with all my Bishop and farm duties, I don't get to play it very often and even less often to get to a regular golf course. But once a while I do. As they wanted to learn, I taught two of my son's how to play. As it is a rare chance, we really enjoy the time we have together out on a golf course.
Martha said I should tell how I dress when I play golf. I dress the same as I normaly do. The only thing different is I have golf shoes on. Sometimes I carry my clubs when I play - sometimes I rent a golf cart. Usually I rent the cart if someone is with me. We split the cart price. I had a used set of golf clubs for many years until my birthday one year, when Martha gave me a gift certificate for a new set of clubs, which I purchased. Martha said she would have purchased the clubs, but one set looks like another to her - so she gave me the certificate.
We do not bet or play in any tournaments. We keep score and whoever wins the game is the winner for that game.
Now that Martha has enjoyed me telling your something you didn't know about me, I told Michael that I think he should ask Martha that for the next such post he wants.
Be With God,
Bishop Joseph
It took thinking, but I did decide that you didn't know that I enjoy playing golf. Do to being a Bishop and a farmer, I don't get to do it very often, but I do enjoy it. How did I get interested in that?
When I was in my teen years, I use to work for an Englisher that had a large house and yard. I would mow the lawn, take care of the flowers growing around the outside of the house, plant whatever they wanted planted, etc. Their house backed up to a golf course and sometimes during my break, I would watch the Englishers play golf. After working there for a while, I got interested in golf. The people I worked for did not play golf, which was odd seeing their house backed up to the golf course. I guess the house had something to do with price and location.
Anyway I was out one Friday with some of my Old Order Mennonite and Englisher friends when one of the Englisher's said he was going to play golf the next day. When we got alone, I told him I was interested in that. He said what would my Bishop say. I said I wasn't going to tell him and anyway there is no Old Order Mennonite law that says you can't. My friend said before you got out on the course you need lessons. So he would meet me the next day and started teaching me, which he did.
He wouldn't even let me out on the golf course until I learned some of the strokes. I borrowed a set of clubs from him and when I could, I practiced in a field not to far from our house. Finally, the day came when my friend allowed me on the course with him. I was terrible. But, so were some of the other people out there. As I could only go out once in a while because of chores and job, I didn't get there to often, but went when I could with my friend.
My parents were the first to find out that I played golf. They tried to talk me out of it and I wouldn't listen, so they went to the Bishop. Now our Bishop believed in enforcing the correct ways of our religious beliefs as I do being Bishop - but he could find no rule against playing golf. In fact, he played golf once in a while. As long as I did my chores, job and did not use all my time and money on golf - a game once in a while wouldn't hurt. What could my parents say?
Of course, my Father tried to give me more chores to do. Even though the Bishop okayed it, my Father did not believe it was right. Said, even Bishop's could be wrong, once in a while. Still I snuck in a game every now and them.
I tried getting David, Jean's husband, to go with me. That was before they were married, but David thought it was too much work running around a course chasing a little ball trying to get it in a hole. But over the years, I found some of the members of our meeting house that play.
Now, I have made a real little 9 whole golf course in my back yard. It's way behind the house near the other end of the field. Like I said with all my Bishop and farm duties, I don't get to play it very often and even less often to get to a regular golf course. But once a while I do. As they wanted to learn, I taught two of my son's how to play. As it is a rare chance, we really enjoy the time we have together out on a golf course.
Martha said I should tell how I dress when I play golf. I dress the same as I normaly do. The only thing different is I have golf shoes on. Sometimes I carry my clubs when I play - sometimes I rent a golf cart. Usually I rent the cart if someone is with me. We split the cart price. I had a used set of golf clubs for many years until my birthday one year, when Martha gave me a gift certificate for a new set of clubs, which I purchased. Martha said she would have purchased the clubs, but one set looks like another to her - so she gave me the certificate.
We do not bet or play in any tournaments. We keep score and whoever wins the game is the winner for that game.
Now that Martha has enjoyed me telling your something you didn't know about me, I told Michael that I think he should ask Martha that for the next such post he wants.
Be With God,
Bishop Joseph
Saturday, May 20, 2017
On March 26th, I did a post on if you live in an apartment complex and have Spectrum (Time Warner) cable, you might be able to get a discount on your phone and computer if you asked for Bulk Accounting. So I thought I would tell you how I made out price wise.
First off, I pay my cable with my rent, so that is not on my phone and computer bill. Rounding things out my bill with my former phone and computer company was about $69.00 a month. Under Spectrum my new phone and computer bill is $50.00 a month. So I am saving $19.00 a month by switching to Spectrum under the Bulk Accounting billing system.
The first bill was higher because they had an installation charge. Plus, I had the phone service from March to April and like most phone companies they bill you ahead a month. So I waited for my regular monthly bill before I let you know how I made out.
Bulk Accounting did tell me the truth - they would be less expensive than what I had before. So far my cable, telephone and computer have been working fine.
I made no promises that you will get your phone and computer less, but if you live in an apartment complex, you have their cable, you might want to give Spectrum's Bulk Accounting a call and see if they can help you on your phone and computer price. Money is money - better in your pocket than in theirs.
On Monday, we have someone else to tell us something we don't know about him.
First off, I pay my cable with my rent, so that is not on my phone and computer bill. Rounding things out my bill with my former phone and computer company was about $69.00 a month. Under Spectrum my new phone and computer bill is $50.00 a month. So I am saving $19.00 a month by switching to Spectrum under the Bulk Accounting billing system.
The first bill was higher because they had an installation charge. Plus, I had the phone service from March to April and like most phone companies they bill you ahead a month. So I waited for my regular monthly bill before I let you know how I made out.
Bulk Accounting did tell me the truth - they would be less expensive than what I had before. So far my cable, telephone and computer have been working fine.
I made no promises that you will get your phone and computer less, but if you live in an apartment complex, you have their cable, you might want to give Spectrum's Bulk Accounting a call and see if they can help you on your phone and computer price. Money is money - better in your pocket than in theirs.
On Monday, we have someone else to tell us something we don't know about him.
Friday, May 19, 2017
On April 5th, I had the first set of my friend Shawn's (better known as Mr. Green's Tree Man) trees made of tiny stones, wire and a large stone base. Here are the rest of the trees he made that he has pictures of. Thought you might enjoy them. The last one is my favorite this time. The stones in this tree are opal and crystal.
There will be a post tomorrow.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
The Osprey are back !!! The female (we call Sibyl) came back March 28th. On April 2nd, the male (we call Pliny) arrived. You will note they have a wooden frame to build their nest in. Last August there was a severe rain and windstorm that blew their nest away. Sibyl, Pliny and their two babies made in through the storm. After they left for the winter someone - I am not sure if it was the phone company or who built that wooden frame to protect future nests. We weren't sure they would built in it when they came back - but they did. The top three picture are of Pliny. The lower four are of Sibyl.
I go by these Osprey every week or so. It is hard with this new wooden nest to see if there are babies in it, but I will keep an eye on them. Sure there will be future pictures.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
There have been many requests for smaller dinners for two. So, we decided that I will come on every once in a while with a recipe for two. Some of the recipes will be with fresh fruit and vegetables. Some with canned goods. Some with either or.
I don't have a large garden here in Florida - just a real small one. There is just the two of us. of course we do share sometimes and give a dinner to someone who is sick, had a family death or just can't cook for them self for some reason. We don't have a farm so we don't eat as much as we did when we working all day and half the night. Also, sometimes, certain items, are less expensive to buy at the store than grow at home. So here are two recipes for one or two people.
1 cup flaked, cooked sea food (tuna, salmon, shrimp, crab meat, lobster)
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp finely minced onion
salt and paprika (to taste)
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup lettuce hearts in small pieces
If sea food is canned, drain off water or oil. Lightly mix ingredients in order except mayonnaise. Chill thoroughly. Just before serving, toss with mayonnaise to moisten. Serve on crisp lettuce.
NOTE: You may garnish with lemon wedges, hard-cooked egg lices, or shiny ripe olives. I also serve with corn muffins.
1 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
3/4 cup Bisquick
1/4 cup corn meal
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients. Beat vigorously for 30 seconds. Fill well-greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake 15 minutes. Makes 6 muffins
I don't have a large garden here in Florida - just a real small one. There is just the two of us. of course we do share sometimes and give a dinner to someone who is sick, had a family death or just can't cook for them self for some reason. We don't have a farm so we don't eat as much as we did when we working all day and half the night. Also, sometimes, certain items, are less expensive to buy at the store than grow at home. So here are two recipes for one or two people.
1 cup flaked, cooked sea food (tuna, salmon, shrimp, crab meat, lobster)
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp finely minced onion
salt and paprika (to taste)
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup lettuce hearts in small pieces
If sea food is canned, drain off water or oil. Lightly mix ingredients in order except mayonnaise. Chill thoroughly. Just before serving, toss with mayonnaise to moisten. Serve on crisp lettuce.
NOTE: You may garnish with lemon wedges, hard-cooked egg lices, or shiny ripe olives. I also serve with corn muffins.
1 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
3/4 cup Bisquick
1/4 cup corn meal
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients. Beat vigorously for 30 seconds. Fill well-greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake 15 minutes. Makes 6 muffins
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Here are some more pictures of the plants at the African Violet Show.
To be honest, I am running low on pictures. In fact, I have just about hit bottom. So, until I get more pictures, there may be days when I won't have pictures. Believe me, I thank everyone that has sent pictures. I really appreciate you all. If anyone has pictures they would like on here, please let me know at: Do NOT send your pictures through that e-mail.
Monday, May 15, 2017
We were sitting up the tables for the Mother's Day Dinner at Bishop Eli's house when he said to me you did give Marilyn a post for this week didn't you. I said nope, I forgot. He said I will let you use your cell phone. Get it on and call her NOW. So here I am.
We are setting the tables up in Bishop Eli's garage because we aren't sure if it is going to rain or not. Bishop Eli's farm was an Englisher farm when he bought it. The previous owner had a two car garage on it. It comes in handy like now. The garage is closer to the house than the barn, so it makes bringing food from the house to the tables closer. Also, it is a place for Bishop Eli to put his buggies. We may have to serve in shifts, but his house is big enough so those can wait inside. If it doesn't rain, we can feed everyone at once.
Usually we serve the ladies chicken on Mother's Day. We had some complaints last year that they always serve us beef and we serve them chicken. So this year, we are serving steaks. Each of us men had to bring a dish to pass or desert. Michael, Jean's son, handled the organization of who brought what. Also, who is doing the cooking, serving, cleaning up, etc. Jean and Grandmother Olive taught him well.
It has been a tradition that we, Old Order Amish and the Old Order Mennonite have our Mother's Day and Father's Day dinners together. Today, we do not have church, but they do. We are setting up so it will be ready when they get here. As usual, we also got a rose for each of the Mother's at the meal. Us men do everything from start to finish including cleaning up. This is the one day of the year the ladies get to sit, relax, talk, be waited on and we men do all the work.
We have had a great deal of rain in our area. The plowing got done in our field. We have done some planting, but not all of it. Some crops don't grow well in this much water. We hope the rain eases up a little.
Although, we are having a hard time, others are having a worse time than we are. John, our driver, was over talking about friends of his who own a home on Lake Ontario that the water is raising almost into. He said they are filling sand bags to put around it. I was telling Bishop Eli this and he asked if they needed men to fill sand bags. John called his friend, who said he could use all the help he could get. So, Bishop Eli got a group of us together to fill John's van and we all went over to help fill sand bags.
Filling sand bags is hard work. We all did it. Not all the sand bags we filled went to John's friend, but to others that were having the same problem. We heard stories of how some of these people bought the house to retire in and now look at it. Others were still working people but this house was their dream house and now it was slowly going into the water. Some of these people had homes as cottages and another place to live in - some didn't. Some didn't know if their house became unliveable, where they would go. Some had flood insurance, some didn't. We prayed with some of the people.
We don't believe in insurance. We believe things are God's will. Whether they had insurance or not, it's hard seeing your house slowly sinking. You try to do what you can to save it.
Thought all this, the people thought of us. There was a place we go to get coffee, tea, and water. They also had sandwitches, potato chips, cookies and other deserts. We tried to pay, but they wouldn't take the money. They appreciated what we were doing for them.
We were tired when we got good, but felt that we had helped them in our small way. They are still in our thoughts and prayers.
All my chores were done, when I got home. Anna, a couple of my sons and son-in-laws had done them all for me. Bishop Eli's family had done his, too. So we got to relax before dinner.
You are getting this after Mother's Day, but we wish all of the ladies a Happy Mother's Day.
Trust God's Wisdom,
We are setting the tables up in Bishop Eli's garage because we aren't sure if it is going to rain or not. Bishop Eli's farm was an Englisher farm when he bought it. The previous owner had a two car garage on it. It comes in handy like now. The garage is closer to the house than the barn, so it makes bringing food from the house to the tables closer. Also, it is a place for Bishop Eli to put his buggies. We may have to serve in shifts, but his house is big enough so those can wait inside. If it doesn't rain, we can feed everyone at once.
Usually we serve the ladies chicken on Mother's Day. We had some complaints last year that they always serve us beef and we serve them chicken. So this year, we are serving steaks. Each of us men had to bring a dish to pass or desert. Michael, Jean's son, handled the organization of who brought what. Also, who is doing the cooking, serving, cleaning up, etc. Jean and Grandmother Olive taught him well.
It has been a tradition that we, Old Order Amish and the Old Order Mennonite have our Mother's Day and Father's Day dinners together. Today, we do not have church, but they do. We are setting up so it will be ready when they get here. As usual, we also got a rose for each of the Mother's at the meal. Us men do everything from start to finish including cleaning up. This is the one day of the year the ladies get to sit, relax, talk, be waited on and we men do all the work.
We have had a great deal of rain in our area. The plowing got done in our field. We have done some planting, but not all of it. Some crops don't grow well in this much water. We hope the rain eases up a little.
Although, we are having a hard time, others are having a worse time than we are. John, our driver, was over talking about friends of his who own a home on Lake Ontario that the water is raising almost into. He said they are filling sand bags to put around it. I was telling Bishop Eli this and he asked if they needed men to fill sand bags. John called his friend, who said he could use all the help he could get. So, Bishop Eli got a group of us together to fill John's van and we all went over to help fill sand bags.
Filling sand bags is hard work. We all did it. Not all the sand bags we filled went to John's friend, but to others that were having the same problem. We heard stories of how some of these people bought the house to retire in and now look at it. Others were still working people but this house was their dream house and now it was slowly going into the water. Some of these people had homes as cottages and another place to live in - some didn't. Some didn't know if their house became unliveable, where they would go. Some had flood insurance, some didn't. We prayed with some of the people.
We don't believe in insurance. We believe things are God's will. Whether they had insurance or not, it's hard seeing your house slowly sinking. You try to do what you can to save it.
Thought all this, the people thought of us. There was a place we go to get coffee, tea, and water. They also had sandwitches, potato chips, cookies and other deserts. We tried to pay, but they wouldn't take the money. They appreciated what we were doing for them.
We were tired when we got good, but felt that we had helped them in our small way. They are still in our thoughts and prayers.
All my chores were done, when I got home. Anna, a couple of my sons and son-in-laws had done them all for me. Bishop Eli's family had done his, too. So we got to relax before dinner.
You are getting this after Mother's Day, but we wish all of the ladies a Happy Mother's Day.
Trust God's Wisdom,