Saturday, May 20, 2017


On March 26th, I did a post on if you live in an apartment complex and have Spectrum (Time Warner) cable, you might be able to get a discount on your phone and computer if you asked for Bulk Accounting.  So I thought I would tell you how I made out price wise.

First off, I pay my cable with my rent, so that is not on my phone and computer bill.  Rounding things out my bill with my former phone and computer company was about $69.00 a month.  Under Spectrum my new phone and computer bill is $50.00 a month.  So I am saving $19.00 a month by switching to Spectrum under the Bulk Accounting billing system.

The first bill was higher because they had an installation charge.  Plus, I had the phone service from March to April and like most phone companies they bill you ahead a month.  So I waited for my regular monthly bill before I let you know how I made out.

Bulk Accounting did tell me the truth - they would be less expensive than what I had before.  So far my cable, telephone and computer have been working fine.

I made no promises that you will get your phone and computer less, but if you live in an apartment complex, you have their cable, you might want to give Spectrum's Bulk Accounting a call and see if they can help you on your phone and computer price.  Money is money - better in your pocket than in theirs.


On Monday, we have someone else to tell us something we don't know about him.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn