Friday, July 21, 2017


Just want you to know that I have been in the hospital for the last month and a half.  Just got home from the hospital today.  That is why I haven't been on New York State of Mind.

Put the above picture on, just because I like that picture.  Hope to be having more pictures on soon.



  1. Marilyn, such a relief to hear from you. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been undergoing such an awful hospital stay. I hope that you will soon be on the mend and feeling back to yourself again. Take it easy and don't rush to do too much.

    Sheila, the quilt lady

  2. Welcome home! I missed you. Prayers for a good recovery. God be with you.

  3. Marilyn, so glad to hear you are home. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Praying for a quick recovery for you. Cathy in Webster

  4. I check everyday for news about you OR from you and was so relieved this morning to see a new post from YOU.
    I'm so sorry about your hospital stay, but that was probably the best place for you to be.
    WELCOME BACK MARILYN. Hugs from Bonnie

  5. ...Marilyn, I hope that you are on the mend, take care!

  6. So glad to here from you. Prayers for your recovery.

  7. WELCOME HOME! Hoping for a speedy recovery and some (I am sure) long awaited time with Pierre who probably missed you most! Chris

  8. So happy to hear from you, but sad to hear you were in the hospital so long! I hope that you are on the mend.
    Very best wishes and prayers,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am so glad you are home with Pierre once again Marilyn. I am praying for you. ♥

  11. Welcome home, Marilyn! Such a relief to hear from you! I have been worried and hoping for an update. Glad you are home. Take care of you first, then worry about the blog. We will all still be here! You will remain in my prayers.
    God bless,

  12. Welcome home, Marilyn, you have been greatly missed.
    Prayers for a complete recovery and lots of relaxation
    and enjoyment the rest of the Summer.

  13. Marilyn,

    You've been in my thoughts and prayers and I am so very happy to see that you are back :) Please do take good care of yourself!!


  14. Marilyn, so good to see a post from you! So sorry you've been so I'll. You do know that we've all been very worried about you, right?

  15. Hi Folks,
    Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I greatly appreciate them. It is so kind you.

    When I got energy, I got two of my e-mails opened. Took a while. If you e-mailed me though Yahoo and didn't get a reply, please e-mail me again. I may have deleted your e-mail by accident. On Yahoo, I had over 800 messages - most of them junk.


  16. Welcome back! Please do pace yourself as you recover - you've been very much missed. No doubt Pierre is over the moon to have you back home. That horse in the photo is quite beautiful, so thanks for sharing it with us. Prayers sent your way for a steady recovery.

  17. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.

    Prierre is not here. He is on vacation. When I got sick, a lady named Fram took Pierre in and takes care of him like her own. She has a terrior named Lucas. Pierre and Lucas get a long very well. The doctor thinks maybe I shouln't have Pierre right back. So Fran brings him and Lucas to visit. This weekend Fran had to go away so she took Lucas and Pierre with her. They are having a great time where they went. The dogs get to go. I have to stay home.


  18. Debra in MississippiJuly 23, 2017 at 7:15 PM

    So glad you're back. Prayers for a speedy recovery. You were greatly missed by all.

  19. Please keep us updated. We care. Carol in SC

  20. Hi Folks,
    I thank you for all your prayers. Will try to keep you up dated, if I can. I missed you all, too.


  21. Marilyn, it is so good to see you here. Everything already said here, are my thoughts too. Taking care of yourself is most important. Keeping you in my prayers. Big hug to you.

  22. I thank God you are home. I will continue to hold you in my prayers.
    I am so luck Pierre is having a ,ittle vacation and youmdo not have to,worry about him.

  23. Welcome back! Please do pace yourself as you recover - you've been very much missed. No doubt Pierre is over the moon to have you back home. That horse in the photo is quite beautiful, so thanks for sharing it with us. Prayers sent your way for a steady recovery.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn