Tuesday, August 29, 2017


1. Pans of strawberries ready to freeze.
2. Our red current bushes.
3. Quarts of berries just picked.
4. Small blueberry bush.  These bushes are over my head now.
5. Blueberries
6. More strawberries.  I love how they look in the big blue bowl.

The blueberries are GREAT producers.  We get about 10 gallons of blueberries each year off our bushes.  I am always looking for new blueberry recipes.  Bonnie

Thank you Bonnie for your great berry pictures.  Does anyone have blueberry recipes that Bonnie would like?


  1. You have a sense of humor Tom. Marilyn skipped the word GALLONS - it should say we get about 10 GALLONS of blueberry each year, not just 10 berries. Thank YOU Marilyn for sharing the berry pictures.
    Shall be thinking about you and praying for you during your upcoming surgery. Thanks, Bonnie

  2. Good morning Marilyn, Bonnie you are an amazing berry grower. Just curious though, do you have to cover your blueberry and red current bushes with netting to keep the birds from eating them? We have tried to grow strawberries more than once, but the little chipmunks get to them before we ever seem to. Beautiful harvest! Cathy in Webster

  3. Bonnie, your fruits are beautiful. I've never eaten currants but would try them. Loved the strawberries in the blue bowl. Such pretty contrast. Thank you for sharing photos of the harvest.

  4. Cathy in Webster - We did start out covering the bushes with nets, but it got to be too much bother. We had to put rocks along the edges to keep the wind from blowing the nets around and catching in the bushes and snagging clumps of berries that would fall off when you tried to unhook them.
    Also it was a hassle for me to climb under them, my glasses would get snagged in the nets, plus buttons would catch and get caught.
    We finally removed the nets after a couple chipmunks and squirrels got caught in them and died.
    We ended up replacing the nets with a couple of scarecrows and owls, that worked for a while, then we just said too heck with it, we've got enough to share with the birds. Happy Ending for All. Bonnie

  5. Beautiful berries! There's a Polish word for the red currents. I can pronounce it, but can't spell it. We used to have current bushes my husband's Dziadzia(G'pa) planted in the back yard and I made jam every year while we lived there. Hmmm good! Would go and pick strawberries and blue berries, too, and make jam as well as freeze some for winter use. Unfortunately that was then and this is now, so I don't do those tasks any longer. At this point in my life I say: "Been there, done that, somebody else's turn". Have to accept limitations as they come and adjust to the situations as the Lord leads. Blessings, Carol

  6. Carol, I looked up the Polish word for red currents - could it be .......
    CZERWONE PORZECZKI ? Wow, that's a big word, I'd much rather just say "red currents".
    My incentive for growing red currents was the memory of the current pies that my Great Grandmother used to make back in the 1940's and early 50's.
    I understand what you're saying about accepting limitations. We used to do maple syrup, along with the honey bees, huge gardens - loads of canning and many other activities that we've had to cut way back on in recent years. The older we get, the more simplified we find ourselves making our lives. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Bonnie

  7. Hi Folks,
    Bonnie, I corrected your gallons of berries. Sorry for the mistake. Thank you for the pictures and also your prayers. They are greatly appreciated.

    Went to the doctor. Have to be at the hospital at 10:30 in the morning on Thursday. Operation should be at 12:30 if all goes well with his other surgeries. I will be in the hospital for 5 days. Guess that's all my news.


  8. Will be thinking of you,Marilyn! Hope all goes smoothly!
    Here's a recipe for Blueberry Loaf Cake. It's really good, I have two 8" loaves cooling now.
    1 stick softened butter
    1 c.sugar
    2 eggs
    1/2 c.milk
    1 tsp.vanilla
    1 3/4 c.all purpose flour
    1 tsp.baking powder
    1 c.fresh blueberries
    2 tsp.sugar
    1 tsp.cinnamon

    In a mising bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Beat in eggs,vanilla,milk. Combine flour,baking powder and add to creamed mixture. Gently fold in blueberries. Pour into 9x5x3'' loaf pan or two 8x4 pans. Prepare pans with crisco/flour (I also line the bottoms with parchment paper). Pour mixture into pan(s). Combine the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the top.
    Bake at 350 for 50 min.or 35 to 40 for smaller pans. Until a toothpick comes out clean. Mine never take as long as the recipe calls for. Just keep an eye on them to avoid over baking.
    Cool 10 minutes before removing from pan to wire rack to cool completely. Freezes well.


  9. Thank YOU Mary, I copied your recipe down. It looks like a keeper. I made banana bread today - I should have thrown a few blueberries in it just for something different.
    Will be thinking of you Marilyn and waiting for you to get back home again. Bonnie


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn