Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Someone who responded by posts wanted to know about ladies wearing slacks.  We consider slacks, jeans etc.  to be men clothes and ladies are not suppose to wear them.  That is for the Old Order Mennonite and Amish.  Now that I said that, we are allowed to wear pants uner our dress skirts when we are working in cold winter temperatures.  We do not wear them to church, visiting, etc.  Just in our fields, barns - on our property.  These slacks are not to be seen by the public.  Once we are done with our days work, we are to take the slacks off upon entering our home.  This for adults and young people.

Young ladies who are climbing, on trips, etc. wear dresses.  They are not allowed to wear slacks, jeans, etc.  Like, adults, they are allowed in the winter working, but no other time.

Now this is our Old Order Mennonite and with discussing Anna, their Amish group are allowed.  Some Old Order Mennonite and Amish do not allow ladies to wear slacks at all.

Yes, young ladies and even some adult ladies wear swimming suits.  Swimming suits are mostly store purchased (at least in my family).  Sometimes the girls will wear their dress over the suit.  When they are ready to swim, they take the dress off, leave the dress on the beach and swim in their suit.  Also, my also have a light weight swimming jacket to put over their suits.  They put the jacket on to cover them when they get out of the water.

Again, our Old Order Mennonite goes by the above.  Some other Mennonite groups may have other rules.

Please feel free to answer questions.  It tells us what you are interested in and what we should write about.

Be With God,


  1. ...interesting information.

  2. Good morning Marilyn, thank you Jean, have often wondered if women were allowed to wear pants. Thank you for the info, Cathy in Webster

  3. Thanks for the interesting post. I never would have thought the women may wear pants, but it does make sense when working outside at home in the cold winter.

  4. Thank you for relaying my question to Jean and thank her for answering. Carol in SC.

  5. Thank you Jean for this post. I have wondered about swimsuits, etc. but would never had asked the question. Happy to know you don't mind our curiosity about this subject. Now, I have answers to what I wouldn't ask. Blessings to you and your family.

  6. Hi Folks,
    Gave Jean all your postss and she appreciated them. She enjoys answering your questions.


  7. Thanks Jean for the info re: pants and swimsuits. I know the "rules" can differ from group to group, but I'd always figured most don't have a problem with the use of pants for field work and esp during the winter. Logical to me, but of course that is just my opinion. Blessings to you and your family, Carol

  8. So glad that you got out to the fair - and thanks for the photos! I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself - all a part of getting better healthwise.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn