Saturday, August 26, 2017


National Dog Day is celebrated August 26th annually and was founded in 2004.

National Dog Days celebrates all dogs, mixed breeds and pure.  The mission is to help the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year and acknowledges family dogs and dogs that work selflessly each day to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort.  Dogs put their lvies on the line every day to personal protection, for law enforcement, for the disabled, for our freedom and safety by detecting bombs and drugs and pulling victims of tragedy from wreckage, now they are detecting cancer and seizures...things even humans can not do.

Dogs are the Partners of our souls.


  1. Hip, hip hooray for dogs! Especially poodles! ;) I have Henry the toy poodle asleep on my lap right now and Murphy the miniature poodle napping at my feet. Marilyn did you get my message last month that our Mabel died?

  2. Good Morning Vickie,
    I didn't know that Mable died. I am so sorry to hear about her passing. Sure bet Henry and Murphy miss her along with you. You have mine and Pierre's Deepest Sympathy.

    Marilyn and Pierre


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn