Thursday, September 14, 2017


Well Anna and I found out that the place we bought from Bishop Eli at Pinecraft is not full of water and is still on the map.  There is a tree down in our yard, several brances and leaves.  Someone who lives there that we do not know is cleaning up our yard and Bishop Eli's parents yard.  They will let us know if they find any damage.

It is nice, that people who don't even know you will take care of your property for you.  We didn't call them and ask them - they just saw work and are doing it.  Ours are not the only ones they are working on. They are helping other people, also.

Anna and I will take a good look at the cottage when we get there next year.  We will decide if we will remodel the cottage or tear it down and build a new one.  Will get a contractor out there to see what he thinks.  When Bishop Eli bought the one he originally did, it was less expensive to tear down the old one and build a new one than it was to remodel it.  Anna and I were thinking that it might be nice to have a two story - until Anna reminded me what I think of walking up and down those stairs every day.

The Mennonites and Amish are planning on sending missions down there to help. In fact, I believe some of the Mennonite trucks are down there or on the way with supplies for people.  This has been a hard time on people in several states especially Texas and Florida.  We must remember them in our prayers.

Well Anna's Father and step-Mother are settled in their home.  Us men moved the furniture around, in, out,  - whatever they wanted.  When the women came in - we got out.  They did all the cleaning, organizing, etc. Anything furniture they didn't want or aren't using is up in the attic of one of step-Mother's sons.  We want them to save everything for a while.  If they don't use by next spring, they said they would give it to family members or sell it.

Hardly seems that summer is coming to an end and fall is coming.  Getting the last of the harvest done.  Soon will be starting time to get ready for that white stuff.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. ...nice to see that hard times bring folks together.

  2. Good Morning Tom,
    Wish we could see more of it.


  3. Hi Elmer, Glad to hear yours+Bishop Eli's property made it through Irma. God's hand certainly changed the intensity and direction of that storm. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace, mercy and protection. Amen! Blessings, Carol

  4. Such good news about the cottages.

  5. Marilyn: Glad to hear Elmer, Anna's, Bishop's property still stands. It's nice to hear of people helping instead of looting. Carol in SC

  6. Hi Folks,
    I will see that Elmer gets your messages.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn