Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Back on January 12, 2014 I had a post on the Four Famous Churches and on January 19, 2014 I had a post and exterior pictures of the Presbyterian Church. Well not only being Canaltown last weekend and the Presbyterian Churches 200th year - the Presbyterians had an interior review of the church.  I thank them for allowing to take pictures of their church.  It was so kind of them.

The first two pictures are of some of their previous ministers. The third is of the isle and alter of this beautiful church.  Picture fourth shows the beautiful hanging lamps in their church.  These lamps were originaly made for candles, but as things got more modern,  the church had them changed to electric.  The next picture, I am standding in the balcony, taking pictures down. Next picture is a picture across the balony - so you can see what it looks like. Next picture I am on the ground floor and have a picture of the alter.

Next six pictures show a room they have in the back of the church for some meetings.  It is also used before a funneral for the family of the person deceased to sit, have coffee or tea, and some snacks. Some people prefer to stay there before the funneral.

The two ladies pictures gave the money for this room to be put on the church, when it was built.  What I liked the best was the Bible.  The Bible was the first Bible used in a public worship in Palmyra.  The meeting house stood near the  cememtery on church street.  Presented  by Mrs. Hans Giese and came from the Sexton  Estate.

There is more to this church that I will be putting on at another time.  The section in the church that people don't know is there.


  1. ...this church is beautiful both inside and out. It's a nice addition to Palmyra.

  2. Very very nice! Again, thanks for sharing, Marilyn! Blessings, Carol

  3. What a beautiful and classic house of worship. One can almost sense
    the serenity it conveys....Many thanks, Marilyn.

  4. Hello Marilyn, what a beautiful church. Having walked by it many times during Canaltown Days, I never knew it was so beautiful on the inside too. Thank you for this glimpse inside all of these churches. Cathy in Webster

  5. Hi Folks,
    This really is a beautiful church inside. So happy you enjoyed it. It was the only one of the four churches that I was allowed inside to take pictures of- so far.

    Bless to you and yours,

  6. What a beautiful church. I'm happy they allowed you to take photos to show it off. I really enjoyed seeing how well this church is being taken cared of. It is so pristine. Thank you, Marilyn.

  7. Hidynnamae n,
    The pictures still don't do the church justice. They really take care of this church.
    You are welcome,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn