Monday, October 23, 2017


Anna and I went over to her Father and Step-Mother's for dinner the other night telling them about our trip to Florida and cottage.  Anna's Father didn't say a thing until he turned to his wife and said, "I think it's time we went to Florida. Elmer give me the keys."  Didn't know what to say.  I looked at Anna.  Anna looked at me.  The place needed a lot of work - I just said that.  We had stayed at Bishop Eli's parents place during most of our stay there. 

Anna again explained to her Father that the place needed work done and thought they would rather see it when we get it all fixed up.  Her Father stared at us.  Anna went on again explaining how we had stayed at Bishop Eli's parents.  Her Father stared.  Also this time is so hot - maybe after Christmas would be a better time.  Her Father stared with his hand held out.  He told me how he didn't have to get the keys form me as Bishop Eli's parents had a key to it but he thought it would be better if we gave him the key.  He stared again hand held out.  I gave him the keys.  He said he wanted to see what we bought.

Now this gives you a weird feeling when you are in your fifies and your Father - in - law wan'ts to see what you bought.  It kind of makes you feel like a two year old.  Anna says he doesn't think we are two immature - she thinks.

So Anna's Father and Step-Mother went on a bus to Florida to see what we bought.  Anna's Father is tight with money - I guess that's how he has so much.  Why should he spend money on taking a train when a bus gets you there and costs less money.  Of course, on the other hand he has losened up since he married. 

We only got one call from them since they got there. One telling us they arried safe and sound - and that Eli should be ashamed that he sold us this property to us for so much.  He said it needs remodeling (which we told them).  Right now he is staying at Eli's parents while the remodeling is being done.  I asked what remodeling. Oh, he said you two will love it when I get done.  We wanted to say more, but he hung up.

I called Eli's parents and they said they aren't getting in on this - as they laughed.  We called Albert and Olive - got Olive who said she will keep them in line - but you should see the trucks and repair men coming in and out.  Also, did we know he called out eldest son.  We called eldest son.  He said he isn't saying a thing.  I said I am your Father.  Sorry, he said that doesn't work when Grandfather calls and orders.  What did Grandfather order?  He is not allowed to tell us.  Whatever it is furnature my son is making that has to be shipped from New York to Florida.

Anna and I were thinking that maybe we would go done there to see what is going on.  Both Eli's parents and Albert annd Olive say there is no place for us to stay.  Hmmmmm.  So we wait.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Good morning Marilyn, "Father knows best Elmer?" Good luck!! Cathy in Webster

  2. Oh my! I can't wait for the follow up post. This should be interesting (I'm sure in a good way).

  3. In agree with Lily! This was a good post to read, especially with so much bad news to read about everyday.
    Marilyn, I always look forward to new posts, even though I don't comment much anymore.

  4. Oh this is interesting!! Oh Elmer. Oh Anna. I know I could not stand it. I suppose there is no choice!! wow.

  5. ...stubborn take charge guy, I'd say.

  6. I love this post, but then it is not my house getting a surprise reno. Cannot wait for the mystery to be solved.

  7. Hmmm- not sure I'd like it either, would like my own imput on how my house would look. Hoping your dear friends will monitor things for you. Good luck!

  8. Hard for parents to let go of their kids, isn't it; be they Plain or English. Blessings, Carol

  9. Marilyn: Great post. Can't wait for the update! I'd bet there is a twinkle in Anna's father's eyes anad all will be well. Carol in SC

  10. Oh my goodness - this just has me in giggles :) I can't wait to find out next too!!! Maybe you can get some posts from Elmer's in-laws on here - that would be a hoot I bet!! :)


  11. Good Morning,
    Thank you for all the posts, I will see that Elmer and Anna get them. Also, thank the people that I haven't heard from in a long time for leaving posts, too. It is really good hearing from you again.


  12. This was fun to read but I can't imagine having other family members, remodeling my place. Hope they are making choices that Elmer and Anna will love. Looking forward to the rest of the story.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn