Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Psalms136:2 - O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever..

I became a widower this year.  There are many people  that are widows, widower losing your husband or wife this year.  Many people have lost children, sisters, brothers, parents, friends and more during the last year.  Maybe you have lost your family members or friends years ago, but it still hurts.  Maybe you are a single person, never married, alone this time of year.  How are we to celebrate Thanksgiving?  How are we to give thanks unto God?

People believe because I am a minister, especially an older one that I know the answers to everything.  That's not true.  Becoming a minister is my second career. I was Pastor in churches.   Now I am semi-retired.  I am not Pastor in a church, now,  but I do fill in when a minister is ill or on vacation or alike.

Especially this time of year, people ask me how do they do away with the depression?  How can they enjoy Christmas more?  Talk to the Lord.  Tell Him how you feel. Once or twice when I have been alone in my house, I have talked, cried, yelled, - got out the feelings I felt.  I don't dislike the Lord - it just hurts.  I was taught you don't show feelings like this in public - so I do it alone.  Of course, I asked why.  It has been several months and I have changed.  Thanksgiving will hurt some, Christmas will hurt some, and other days will - but I realize no matter how I feel - my wife is with Lord.  It was her time to be with Him.  I still miss her - it still hurts and will hurt - but I understand.

I know this is hard sometimes, but remember the good times.  Try to remember the places you went, the things you did, the fun times you had.  It is hard to do that sometimes.  You think of your loved one being ill or in the accident or what happened.  But I try to remember the good times.

Another question people ask is do I honestly believe I will see my wife again, when I die.  My answer is yes.  When my time comes, I believe that I will see the Lord and my wife.  Both my wife and I are born again Christians.

Maybe at this time you don't feel like thanking the Lord.  You have had such a loss.  Start on something small - the sun is shining that day, there is no snow - etc.  God understands what you are going through.  He knows what is on your mind without your telling Him.  He knows you are suffering.  But, we must remember what God did for us when He gave His life on the cross for us. He gave the ultimate gift for us.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Rev. Bob


  1. ...everyday I'm thankful, have a wonderful Thanksgiving all.

  2. Words well written Rev. Bob and needed very much this year. A blessed Thanksgiving to all. Cathy in Webster

  3. Thank you, Rev Bob, for being willing to share yourself with us and giving truth according to God's inerrant word. A most Blessed Thanksgiving to you and all. Carol

  4. Rev. Bob you have spoken to so many lonely hearts this day...expressing perhaps what is difficult for them to voice.
    The Lord, indeed, is our salvation and comforter for such
    times as you describe, but "He knows our hearts" and provides
    the solace we seek before Him in such subtle and lasting ways.
    May you be greatly blessed this Thanksgiving and the day filled
    with rejoicing and honoring the beloved wife ever with you.

  5. Good Morning,
    I thank Bob for doing this for us.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn