Friday, December 29, 2017


I want to keep this short as Marilyn's finger just came out of it's brace and I don't want anything to happen with it typing my message.  Even when I said you would understand if we didn't have a message this year, she said it wouldn't be New Year's on here without one.  So here I go.

Ephesians 2:4-5 "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)."

God loves us.  Please remember that.  God loves me.  God loves you.  No matter what happens or what you do.  God still loves you. 

God is our Father.  God created us.  He will forgive our sins.  Even when we think He won't - He will. He loves us. 

So this New Year's remember God's love.  Ask Him to forgive your sins.  Look at the world as a new beginning.  Start a new.  But, if you fall during this year.  Ask His forgiveness.  God loves you.

Happy New Year,
Bishop Eli


  1. Good Moening Tom,

    Happy New Year to you and yours.


  2. Thank you Bishop Eli. Happy New Year to everyone!

  3. Hi Vickie,
    Will see that Bishop Eli gets your message. Happy New Year to you and yours.


  4. Amen to everything Bishop Eli had to say. Happy New Year to you, Marilyn and all your writing friends. I'm so thankful your injuries from falling, were not more serious. Hugs to you and Pierre.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn