Friday, March 30, 2018


St. Luke 24:7 - "Saying. The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and the third day rise again."

When I read this scripture, I kind of get a chill down my spine. Sometimes I cry.  To think that the Lord created us, sent his Son to be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day rise again.  He did all this for you and for me. Oh how unworthy of this am I.  This shows the love He has for us.

As you read this, we will be in our meeting (church).  The first will be bringing into the our church, the folks who have studied, prayed and made the decision to come into us Mennonites.  Then will be our communion.  (In our Mennonites, we only have communion twice a year).  Finally, we will have the washing of each others feet.  Our Bishops and Deacons will have given sermons of Jesus crucifix and rising up.

To me the Son of man being delivered into the hands of sinful men and being crucified remind me of ours sins. He died for our sins.  That we should go to the Lord in prayer and ask for His forgivemess of our sins.  After asking the Lord for forgiveness, we should also forget the sins we have comitted.

The rising reminds that our sins are forgiven.  It is a joyful time and we should make it a joyful time.  We should pray and thank the Lord for what He did for us and for forgiving our sins.  But, we should also be happy.  We should be joyful,  We should not dwell on these past sins. 

I hope this Easter is a joyful time for you.  Maybe there will be eartly problems for you.  But, please remember the love that Jesus died for us and rose again.

Be With God,
Happy Easter,
Jean, David and Family.   


  1. ...a joyful Easter to you all.

  2. Good Morning Tom,

    Same to you and yours,


  3. Thank you Jean. Happy Easter to you all.

  4. Good Morning Vickie,
    I will see Jean gets your message and Happy Easter to you and yours. How is Henry? You haven't mentioned him in a while.

    Marilyn and Pierre

  5. A most blessed Eastertide to you all
    as you celebrate His glorious Gift of
    salvation to us.....

  6. Blessings to all and may the Lord draw many to salvation found only in Christ- crucified, risen and ascended. "Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin that left a crimson stain-He washed it white as snow". 🙏✝ Carol


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn