Saturday, April 14, 2018


Hi Folks,

Back again.  According to the weather we may be getting wind (that's here), rain,  sleet and maybe snow. We also may lose our power.  So if I am not here, you will know why.

I have heard this before, but it hasn't gotten that bad.  So I am not sure if it will or won't.  But just in case, Pierre and I are prepared.  We will move into the Tower apartments across the street.  They have a generator and we don't. 

So just in case.



  1. ...from the looks of things this morning, you would be wize to stay inside this morning.

  2. Good Morning Tom,

    I have to walk Pierre. Aside from that I am staying inside. We had big sea gulls in my yard, but when I tried to take their pictures through the window, they flew away.


  3. Good morning Marilyn, good day to stay inside, not as bad here in Webster but still miserable outside. Please be careful when you go outside to walk Pierre, stay warm and hope your power stays on. Fingers crossed ours still is! Cathy in Webster

  4. Hi Marilyn, Freezing rain/sleet/ice accumulation here in Eastern NY. High wind warning from later today through all of tmrw(gusts at 60mph). 🙏 No one loses power there or anywhere for that matter. Blessings, Carol

  5. Hi Mary,
    We still have our power. The side walks are okay, but if you step on the grass it's like on ice. When I picked up Pierre's poop, I thought I would fall on my fanny - but didn't. You stay warm, too.


  6. We had 13 inches of snow here in Minnesota. Blizzard-like winds! And more snow expected later today, on Wednesday, and even next weekend. Our spring plants are buried!

  7. Hi Carol,
    Some people have lost power up toward Rochester. So far, we have ours. Glad you still do, too. It was bad wind wise this morning, but now it's not bad. It could get worse tonight. Stay warm.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn