Wednesday, August 22, 2018



6 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 tsp pepper
1/2 can water
1 tsp salt
1 can cream of mushroom soup (or homemade mushroom soup)
1/2 can milk
1 Tbsp flour

In greased casserole dish place sliced potatoes.  Add soup, milk, water, flour, salt and pepper.  Stir, cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 - 1 1/2 hours until potatoes are tender.

This is a recipe you can play with and add different things like:

Hot dogs or ham can be added to dish for 10 minutes of cooking time for a complete meal.

Also, I sometimes put American Cheese on the top before baking.


littlemancat said...

Sounds like a tasty,simple dish! I like the idea of the add-ins, too. Thanks, Jean!

Tom said...

...I love scalloped potatoes.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,
IT does sound tasty and you can add lots of things. My Mom sometimes use to add hamburger to it. She's brown it first or if it were left over hamburger she would just mix it in. I will see Jean gets your messaage


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,
I love scalloped potatoes, too.


MarkD60 said...

Sounds like I'd like it! Notice your firewood, getting ready for winter? Or left over from last winter?

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm good! Thanks Jean! Blessings, Carol

William Kendall said...

It's been ages since I've had scalloped potatoes. I do like them.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mark,
That wood burn stove isn't mine. A real estate man was selling an Amish farm and he had pictures of the inside of the house in his ad I asked him if I could put his pictures on my blog. He told me not until he sold the house. Well, he never did sell the house, but when the listing expired he told me I could have the pictures. That was a year or so ago. I had all the pictures on and deleted, but for some reason I kept the picture of the wood burn stove.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi William,
I like scalloped potatoes too. I haven't made them in a long time, too.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Carol,
I will see that Jean gets your message

Blessings to you and yours,