Monday, December 24, 2018


St. Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the King."

At this time, I sometimes like to think of this in now day, a bit.  Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to be taxed.  I think of Mary riding on a donkey with Joseph leading on those many miles.  Then, when they get there, she is with child and there is no place to stay.

This reminds of my visiting school Christmas time one year.  They were planning for the school Christmas play.  The teacher mentioned that there was no place for them to stay.  One of the children about 7 or 8 raised his hand.  When the teacher chose him, he asked why didn't they make reservations.  She let me explain that they didn't have reservations that day in time.  To which the boy replied that after that God invented them.

When they find a place to stay -a stable -, I think of her child coming forth.  The first thing Emma, thought was if she came right forth or if it took hours.   She also wondered if they had a midwife or if it was just Mary and Joseph or maybe it Mary was alone.  In most cases in our way when a wife is in labor, we get the children out of the house to a relatives or neighbors to care for them.  We men go into the barns. There is a midwife and usually the woman bearings Mother, if she lives local.  There are exceptions to that rule as Elmer and Anna, but I'm not going into that.

Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. Emma's comment to that was Mary was probably prepared and brought them with her.  I'm not going into that either.

This is how our Savior was born.  Many people expected a King or Ruler.  Now Jesus was both a King and Ruler, but most peopled expected an adult to be a ruler of a country or area.  Unfortunately some people are still expecting that savior.

This is how our Savior was born - and also remember that He gave His life for us.

Please take time this Christmas to remember the birth and death of our Savior.  He came for us and died to save us, if we accept Him.

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.
Bishop Eli

Marilyn has not been on here as she is sick again.  What the doctor treated her is back again.  She has been to the doctor and Anna is recommending some things that might help Marilyn at home, too.  Please remember her in your prayers.  I know you will.  You always do.


  1. ...Merry Christmas, Marilyn take care.

  2. Merry Christmas, Marilyn and all on New York State of Mind......Thankful for the gift of Jesus as our Savior and praying for a 2019 filled with peace!

  3. Merry Christmas to all!
    Marilyn you are in my prayers.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn