Monday, December 10, 2018

Palmyra Library - Artists Pictures

First I want to thank everyone for Pierre's birthday.  Also, we wish Henry a belated Happy Birthday.  He is a year younger than Pierre. 

These pictures were displayed in our local library.  These photos were done by local artists.


  1. ...Marilyn, it's good to you back, I hope that you are feeling better.

  2. Good morning Marilyn, I am in awe of all the local talent there is in our area. The Webster library also does exhibits of local artists work, painting, photography, etc., and it is always nice to see. Hope you are feeling better, take care! Cathy in Webster

  3. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures - I especially like the barn and stream one.
    Hope you're feeling much better!

  4. Good Morning Tom,
    Glad to be back. Still hae awful weak, but getting better slow but sure.


  5. Good Morning Carol,
    Glad that other libraries have this too. Artists have such talent an it is nice for us to be able to see it. Right now I have my good days and not so good days, but hope to be better soon.


  6. Good Morning Mary,
    There are barns for next time, too. A friend of mine did two of the barns, but she is in a nursing home now. Am feeling better slow but sure.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn