Hope everyone had a Happy New Year. As the Amish and Mennonite, we don't have anything special we are suppose to do on this day. Oh, Anna, cooked up a delicious pork dinner. So aside from a special dinner, we don't hold church that day. Even if church does fall on the same day as the New Year, we just wish everyone Happy New Year. We do like to go see the fireworks that the Englishers have every New Year, but it got cancelled this year do to the wind we had.
So Anna and I make this a kind of a special day for us and God. We do the chores we have to. Anna cooked the meals. But we also take a time to sit and go over the last year. I read a quote from the Bible,we pray and then we start by recalling all the not so good things of the last year. Things that happened last year, things we did wrong last year, things that happened to others that effected us, things that happened to us that effected others. We pray to apologize to God for things we did wrong. Ask the Lord to help us so we don't make the same things again. Thank the Lord for these hard times as we know they were for a reason.
Then, I read a quote from the Bible and we pray. Then we recall all the good times last year. Things people have done for us. Thing we have done for others. Good things the Lord has happen to us, some unexpected, We thank the Lord for keeping Anna and I well and together. Thanking the Lord for keeping our children, grandchildren and family safe and sound. You know, every year we have more good things than we do not so good things. We pray and thank the Lord for all He has done for us.
We then pray and ask the Lord for his knowledge and wisdom for the coming year. That when we doubt, we come to Him and don't just go off on our own. We seem to have more of the bad times when we don't turn to the Lord even in the most tiny things. Things that come up that we think we can handle. We don't stop and turn to the Lord. Usually these things turn out bad. We must trust and relay on Him at all times.
We then thank the Lord for everything we can think of. Now this gets kind of silly. We start thanking for all the big things, the medium things and then down the little things. Sometimes we forget to thank the Lord for all the little things. We first thank the Lord for what we remember right off, but then Anna and I go through the day adding other things that we forgot. Now that's where we somethings get silly. We thank God for the new tooth brushes we bought, the groceries we buy, the new blanket we bought for one of our horses, on and on we go. It's a fun day for us to come up to think of all the things He has given us. At bedtime, we thank the Lord again for all He has done for us and ask that He leads us the way we should go this year, and that we listen at all times, even the times we think we can do it by ourselves. Because to be honest, there is nothing we can do without the Lord.
Bishop Joseph was suppose to put on a post before New Year's but his Grandmother, who has been sick for a long time, passed away. He and part of his family went to Pennsylvania to see her before she passed. While they were there she passed. She would have been 100, if she had lived another month.
Trust God's Wisdom.
...I wish peace and good health to all in the new year.
ReplyDeleteCondolences to Bishop Joseph and his family.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing how Elmer and Anna spent New Year's Day - very thoughtful and meaningful.
That is a wonderful way to start the New Year. My condolences and prayers to the Bishop and his family.
Condolences to Bishop Joseph and Family.
ReplyDeleteElmer's overview of their "New Year" dedication
is perfection. If only all of mankind would address
their lives and submit their future activities to the
Lord in that humble manner, just think of the peace and
blessedness that could envelope us all as we went about
living. Thank you for sharing this beautiful sentiment.
A most blessed year filled with vibrant health and well-being
to all.....
That is a good way to see in the new year.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post Elmer!! Happy New Year to you and all your family. I love how you and Anna take time for reflection and focus on all the Lord gives and provides. So often the reflection is what we want in the coming year. Turning that over to God and allowing him to have his will be done in our lives is so important. Our family is taking a trip to the Amish in PA in May we are staying in Harrisburg. It has been a dream come true for me to have such close contact with your people. I want to be most respectful of there ways when interacting with them. What would you think are the most important things to remember when trying to be most respectful of there ways? Thanks again Marilyn for all you do for the blog!!
ReplyDeleteHi Elmer. Great post. Praying more people come to belief in Christ according to the Scriptures. What joy there is in heaven when one is saved in Christ. Truly we can do nothing without Him. Thank You, Lord, for this new year before us. Lead+guide us in the way per Your word, to Your glory+for our good. In Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteChoice blessings to you+Anna.
Please give our condolences to Bishop Joseph+his family on the loss of his grandmother. In Christ, John+Carol
Good Evening Everyone,
ReplyDeleteSorry, I didn't get to reply to you all earlier. One of the ladies across the street needed help so I went to give her a hand.
I wish everyone, like Tom, peace and good health in this New Year.
I gave Bishop Joseph your sympathy and he thanks us so much.
Elmer also appreciates your compliments and your posts. He said to say he is learning from you, too.
Elmer advised to treat Amish as you would anyone else EXCEPT do no take pictures of them, their children, grandchildren, etc. If you want to take a picture of their buggy, their house (from the road), their barns (from the road), they usually don't care. Have a good time in PA.
If you get any pictures in PA, of the Amish area, would like to put them on here, if you like. That's from me = Marilyn