Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Here are more African Violets that Jean and I saw at the show. 


  1. Always nice to see - I think my favorite is the third one - single blue with white edge.

  2. ...they are a nice memory of my grandmother!

  3. Hi Mary,
    They are beautiful. The next ones I have to put on are the real small ones. The one you like is beautiful.


  4. Hello William,

    I think they are, too.


  5. Marilyn - I just love the violets! Don't they seem to try so very hard to provide us with a bit of color where ever they are placed? During most of my adult life, I have had at least one violet and they always add such a bit of cheer for very little effort. One violet I have is particularly beautiful when it blooms but is old so the main neck of the plant is a bit leggy....With instructions on how to take cuttings from a local African Violet group, I am working up the courage to try that. Another thing I like to do is search thrift shops and yard sales for the odd pretty glass small bowl, saucer, or cup to put these little ones in for display....No two are alike and it adds a bit of interest for me. Fun! Thank you for sharing. Chris

  6. Hi Chris,
    I just love them, too. They do give us so much beauty. Would you like to send pictures of your African Violets? I think people would like to see them. Also, would be interested in the pretty bowl, saucer and cup that you put yours in? Mine Africa Violets passed away so Jean and Anna are trying to set me up with news one. Thank you, Chris.


  7. So pretty Marilyn. Blessings, Carol

  8. Hi Carol,

    Thank you, Carol. Haven't heard from you in a while hope all is well.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn