Monday, February 17, 2020


                                          HAPPY PRESIDENT'S DAY IN USA
                                          FAMILY DAY IN CANADA

Friday, February 14, 2020


It was 8 years ago today, that I got Pierre.  To me, he is the best poodle in the world.  Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 7, 2020


I was going to put a post on tomorrow.  One of my best friends is in the hospital on life support right now, so I will not be putting a post on.  I just can't think straight to put it on correctly.  Hope you all understand.  I may be off for a few days. 

God Bless You,


On February 8, 1985, the movie Witness was released.  A young Amish boy is the witness to a murder.  John Book is on the case and realizes that the killer is one of the police.  He takes the young boy and his mother home to their Amish area.  Of course there is romance.  Another post tomorrow.
                                                              John Book (Harrison Ford)
                                                        Rachel (Kelly McGillis)
                                                        Samuel (Lukas Haas)
                                                        Eli Lapp (Jan Rubes)

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Here are more silos in my travels.  Hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020



1 1/2 cups uncooked macaroni
1/4 lb cheese, any kind (we used Velveeta)
1 cup milk
A little chopped onion
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 2 oz can of corn beef

Cook macaroni in water until done, drain and rinse in cold water.  Combine macaroni and rest of the ingredients.  Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Anna brought this casserole to our hone when we were sick.  She got the casserole from someone in her church when she and Elmer were sick.  Anna got the recipe from the lady. One thing good of the illness was, we got some new recipes.\

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Edward was suppose to put the post on here, but he just got home from the hospital yesterday.  He got what we all had and got better - then he got it again only worse.  One evening he got so sick, Margaret sent for me.  When I got there, I called Anna, as she knows more medicines than I do.  Anna arrived and looked Edward over and said call the ambulance.  His illness is worse than I can treat. So off to the hospital he went in the ambulance.  He is much better.  He was in almost a week. Still he is weak.

Poor Margaret was also under strain.  She would go to school in the morning.  When she left school, she would go to the hospital and see Edward.  We didn't know, that when she got home she was working on taxes for Edward. 

It all ended one day when she got home from school one day and found Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert in her kitchen.  They came up to help with all our illness, but most of us all were over except for Edward and Margaret's, so they moved over to their house.  They stayed on the second floor in the guest bedroom. 

Grandmother Olive had baked cookies, made bread and  had dinner cooking when Margaret got home.  Also, the house was spotless.  Margaret was in shock, but so happy to see them. Grandfather Albert took over the taxes job.  He use to do that a while ago.  It's like a hobby for him and he keeps up on the changes in taxes even though he hasn't done them in a few years.  He has several done, but wants Edward to check him when he is feeling better.

So after Grandmother got there, Margaret would go to school, then to the hospital and when she got home a hot dinner on the table.  She could relax before going to bed unless she had student papers to correct.  Still Grandmother Olive saw that Margaret got a good nights sleep.  In the morning, she has a nice hot breakfast on the table.

Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert were such a great gift here.  Last weekend, she put on a great dinner for us, Thomas and Ruth and, of course, Margaret.  She didn't want us cleaning up the dishes after dinner, but we made her sit down and relax. 

Edward was in the hospital so she is having him tell her what he wants and she will do it again this coming weekend for all of us, but this time it will be what Edward wants.  When he got home from the hospital, she had brownies made for him.  That is his favorite treat - although he likes lots of treats.

Thomas and Ruth have been helping David, David Jr. and Michael with chores.  David, David Jr. and Michael have gotten over the illness, but still haven't their full strength back.  Thomas and Ruth have also helped Margaret with the cows and horses at their house.  Some of the meeting people have come and helped, too.

We hope this illness whatever it is gets over soon.  We have all had it.  Bishop Joseph and Martha were going to come back home, but the members of our meeting (church) advised them to stay for another week or two.  Elmer also advised them to stay and they have permission to stay in his cottage.  We don't want them to come up here and get sick.

We hope that in our next posts, will be more cheerful. 

Be With God,

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Went to the Palmyra Community Library and found these beautiful paintings on the 3rd floor.  These paintings are by Kim Lucianovic.

Even though it came on Sunday, it is for Monday.  I forgot to set it.