Monday, March 30, 2020

BIRDS, Again

Driving around, I saw these birds along side the road.  They really didn't get upset as I took the pictures. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020


These pictures were taken at the Wayne County Fair last August.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Marilyn asked if one of us could tell of our Amish and coronavirus.  I thought Bishop Eli should and he thought I should, so here I am.  He did tell me not to go on page after page.

I guess I should start that all of our schools and Old Order Mennonite Schools are closed.  There was a discussion before they closed.  Teachers made out school plans so the children could continue with their studies at home.  As Edward has a photo-copy machine in his tax office, they made copies for their students there.  When the children had their last school day, they got their school plans to go home with them.  Now on Monday thru Friday, the teachers go from home to home to see how the students are doing and if they have any questions or problems.  In most cases they never know when the teacher will stop in.  The reason they closed the school was because of the state of New York.

The Amish Animal Auction was last weekend.  Bishop Eli decided that it should be closed for a few weeks.  People that come to the auction are Amish, Mennonite and Englisher.  A "few weeks" has not been decided.  Bishop Eli said this could change as conditions improve.

Our church services are continuing as of last Sunday.  If anyone has a cold, cough, sneeze, etc. they should not attend church.  Otherwise church service continued.  Whose ever house service it being held in is cleaned from top to bottom.  Last Sunday, we were handed hand washing sheets as we entered the door.  Also, there were containers of these around the house.  When it came time for dinner, we all washed our hands before and after dinner.  After we packed up the dishes that go home from home to home on Sunday.  The ladies cleaned the area we all sat and ate again including the kitchen.  The next house church will be held will get cleaned the same way.

Anna keeps out house spotless.  It seems she gets done cleaning and she starts again..  She said, at this time, we have to be careful.

Anna also had a problem getting toilet paper.  We have two bathrooms in our house, and we buy packages that have 12 rolls in the pack.  When we open the 12 pack, toilet paper goes on the grocery list so we don't run out. Well, Anna went to get groceries and toiler paper was on the list.  She went to Aldi's, Wal-Mart and finally to Wegman's.  She got the toilet paper at Wegman's.  She just bought two packs - one for each bathroom.   Meat is another problem getting.  This week John and Dottie are talking Anna, Jean and some other Amish and Old Order Mennonite ladies to Saunder's in Seneca Falls for meat.  Anna and I laughed, we probably would't have had milk either if we didn't have a barn full of cows.

So far working still goes on.  David, Michael and I put a new roof on a house that got blown off in the last wind storm.  Also, Michael and I have put the siding on  a couple of houses.  We try to keep going normal as much as we can.  With businesses and stores closed, we have to think of places to get supplies.

Amish have called on Anna more for medical advice than use to.  Some are afraid to go to the hospital because coronavirus could be in the hospital.  But if someone is so ill that they have to be in the hospital, Anna tells them.  Anna also says their are a few (usually men) that say they have all the illness feelings of sickness and there isn't a thing wrong with them.  The thing is, Anna says, even if you know they are well, they have to be checked out.

We are trying to me careful, drink water, and keep everything spotless.

Trust God's Wisdom.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Palmyra Community Library Waterfall Paintings

These are the last of the Waterfall Paintings at the Palmyra Community Library.  The library is closed now do to the coronavirus.

Friday, March 20, 2020


Took these pictures on a back road that really didn't have much room to pull over.  But, I did get the barn pictures.

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Hope you enjoy it.
New York State of Mind

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


As Spring begins tomorrow, thought you would like one of my Spring recipes, 


1 Container (8 oz) Cool Whip
1 Container (16 oz) cottage cheese, small curd
2 pkgs (3 oz) orange gelatin
1 Can (16 oz) crushed pineapple, drained
2 Cans (11 oz) mandarin oranges

Combine Cool Whip and cottage cheese in a large bowl.  Beat at medium speed until well blended.  Stir in the orange gelatin until well blended - add crushed pineapple and oranges.  Mix well with wooden spoon.  Chill at least 2 hours.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Happy St. Patrick's Day
from all of us at:
New York State of Mind

Monday, March 16, 2020


Threw my back out and had to go to the doc's.  Thought it was worse than it was.  Anyway they have stream in front of the hospital and I took these pictures.  Birds are coming back.