Thursday, May 7, 2020


I took these pictures of the sea gulls on Canandaigua Lake.  Sorry for not having pictures on.  The computer is not doing well.  I want to look at computers, but most of the stores that sell them are not open do to the virus. May take a look at WalMart.


Tom said... computer is old and slow!

littlemancat said...

Nice pics,Marilyn. Computers are such an important part of our lives, aren't they? I do all my grocery ordering online, vet cat food,even litter and potting soil! I don't want to go near a store at this time.
Hope the computer holds up for you.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,
Mine is too.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,
I pay my bills on the computer. Wish I could get that grocery order on here. You get so many great items on your computer. I just don't want to lose anything that is on here - like the blog.

Hope that it holds out, too.
