Monday, June 22, 2020


I ran into Marilyn and a friend of her's at WalMart.  Introduced them to the newest member of our family Clarence.  Marilyn's friend was looking for a new coffee pot and their WalMart didn't have one so they came to WalMart near where I live.

Clarence came to our foster home with very few clothes, so we were buying him some new clothes to wear.  He said our foster home has  a reputation - a very good one.  When they came to our name, he said he wanted to come here.  Foster lady tried to explain that we were Mennonite and drove horse and buggies and he said he still wanted to come.  They also explain that we have a farm and we would give him jobs to do.  He still wanted to come.  So they called David and I - we said it was fine so over he came.

We asked him why he chose out house.  He said he understood that we have three meals a day.  That we saw that he had clothes to wear.  If he did something wrong and we punished, he could take it.  I asked where had he been - we punish but not physical punishment.  He said the last home he had been at was bad.  When I spoke to his Foster lady, she said it had been bad.

Again that upsets me because they are treating children bad.  That ruins our reputation.  Clarence says talking with other boys, heard ours was great, so he wanted to come here.  Our first meal with him was dinner.  He took just a little on his plate and wolfed it down.  Then he sat there.  David Jr. told him he could have seconds.  He looked at David Sr and I and we told him he is welcome for as much as he wants as long as he eats it.  The next two plates he ate were full  - he ate it all.  He also ate two deserts.

Clarence is 15 years old.  He parents are both deceased- they were hit by a DWI driver.  At first it was okay because he went to his grandparents, but when their health went bad he went from relatives home to other relatives home.  Finally, he was put in a Foster Home and has been going home to home.  He wanted to know if we would adopt him, too.  That brought tears to my eyes.  David said, we'll see.  We have to know each other first.  Clarence said that 's a no.  David said it was not a no.  These things take time, ask Edward or Michael or Thomas or Katie - they know.

Things are working out very well, so far.  In fact, I think he tries to hard to please.  He has met all our family including Grandfather Albert and Grandmother Olive.  He and Grandmother are very close.  Also, he is learning to do our chores.  He really enjoyed his first ride on the horse and buggy.  Everyone wanted to meet this Sunday at our meeting (church).

The one thing is - he doesn't like the name Clarence.  He has no middle name.  He said some of the kids at school called him Claire which to him sounds like a girls name.  Marilyn suggested Clay as she has cousin whose name is Clay.  Can any of you give us any suggestions?

Elmer and Annie are on a vacation.  I think Elmer will tell you about when they get back.

Be with God,


  1. ...Clarence sounds like a lucky young man, I hope that everything works out well.

  2. I think Clarence is a good name, but I can understand a 15 year old being self conscious. I looked up on the internet for nicknames for Clarence and found:

    Clay, Clary, Clancy, Clare, Ren, Larry,Callie,Clance. Cal.

    I hope Clarence has found a home now.

  3. I am happy for Clarence that he knew to ask to be with Jean and David Sr. and that they were able to take him in.
    I do hope it works out for everyone. I like the name Clay - I have a family member named Clayton which is also nice. A possible suggestion? Or Chase? Like the baseball player? Please pass them on to Jean if you wish.

  4. I have tears in my eyes. I am praying for young Clarence. I hope he is pleased with one of the fine name suggestions given. I was going to suggest some of the same ones given. God bless you Clarence. I know you were a given very special family to live with and to love you.

  5. Bless David and Jean for their welcome of love and compassion. Clarence will one day know how his life has been made more meaningful
    and redirected toward God's will for his good.

  6. The name Clarence is nice and so are the other suggestions. I have another that he might like, Chance.

  7. Hi Folks,
    Sorry I am so late answering. I had some things I had to do today. Clarence thanks you all very much. He was thrilled that he was on here. He had never been on a blog before. Of course, Jean asked his permission before she called me.

    On the names so far: He has said no to Clare, Ren, Callie because they sound like girls names. Clancy sounds like an Irish name and Jean forgot to mention that Clarence is Afro-American.

    He is still trying to chose from: Clay, Clary, Chase, Larry, Cal and Chance.

    So I will let you know what name he choses.


  8. Hi Marilyn,
    I am a bit late in responding, but may I suggest the name Charles? I am glad Clarence seems to be fitting in well there!

  9. Hi Diann,
    Charles had been added to Clarence's list. So far Clarence has been fitting in real well.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn