Monday, November 26, 2012


Jean will be having a recipe a day, on here, from December 12th until Christmas Eve.  The recipes will be ones that she makes in her home at Christmas time.  Some of the recipes will be breads, cookies, candies, and some will be dishes that you might want to serve on Christmas Day.  On December 20th, Jean will have her introduction and that also will have a recipe.

She got this idea from a newspaper she saw a couple of years that had something similar.  They had a cookie a day until Christmas.  Jean called me and said we could do that but with different recipes.  I agreed.  I also checked with Richard to make sure it wouldn't infringe on anything he planned.  He agreed, so we will start.

Jean is going through recipes now.  If there is any particular recipe you would like-please let us know in comment section and Jean will see if she has it. 

So look forward to Jean's recipes starting on December 12th. 

Again, my computer is going in for a check up and cleaning today, so I may not be able to respond to your comments until tonight or tomorrow.  Any recipe requests you give, I will forward on to Jean, as soon as I can.  We wanted everyone to know in advance so you can come and see them.

I already know what a couple of the recipes will be and you wouldn't want to miss them.



  1. I had never thought of anything like this until Jean called me. She thought it might give ideas for something different for Christmas. Also, one might be bringing back a recipe that someone use to have, but lost somehwere along the way. This is the first time we have done anything like this, so we hope it works out well.

  2. The idea of recipes sounds wonderful Marilyn. =)

  3. Hi Vickie,
    I didn't even think of it-Jean did. Sure thought it was a good idea when she told me.

  4. Today is Richard's Birthday on Amish Stories. Go over and wish him a Happy
    Birthday, Marilyn

  5. I can't wait to see the recipes! My parents both grew up in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania, and when we visited my grandparents, we would always go to Market there. One thing they had there that I've never seen elsewhere was white taffy with peanut butter in the middle. It was like salt water taffy, but maybe a little sweeter. I don't know if Jean would have this recipe, but if she did I would love to have it. Regardless, I'm looking forward to all the recipes! Thank you!

  6. Thanks for the Birthday wishes Marilyn, and I think this year I will be 31. Well are expected to receive some snow this Tuesday, starting in the morning.

    So this will be the first time at least for this year that we should be getting some of the white-stuff, I better leave the house a few mins earlier so I get to work on time. Richard

  7. New York State of MindNovember 26, 2012 at 8:39 PM

    Hi geeky Heather, Jean said she has taffy recipes but none with peanut butter. She will see if her Mother, Grandmother or Mother-in-law has it.

    You are welcome for the Birthday wishes. Hope you are enjoying today. There is snow all around us, but we aren't suppose to get any. Of course you never know. Yes, leave early for work. You are better safe than sorry.


  8. New York State of MindNovember 28, 2012 at 7:44 AM

    I go get my computer back today. Right now I am using my old one and it is seeing it's last days. Can't wait to get the other one back.

    We have snow all around us, but we haven't had any - yet. That is fine with me, I am not really a snow person. Wish it would snoe December 24th and melt December 26th. That would be fine with me.

    Hope everyone has a great day,

  9. New York State of MindeNovember 28, 2012 at 10:02 AM

    My computer is back. I got the poor computer lady out of bed. I get early in the morning and figure everyone else does, too. No so. I'm so glad it's back.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn