I took these pictures last July. In a couple you have to look real close to see them. Every time I take a picture of the clothes at the farm in picture number four, their milk truck is there. See what we have to look forward to when Spring comes around.
I still hang my clothes out, never liked using the dryer. Of course in this weather, have to use it.
ReplyDeletewill be so glad when the snow is all gone.
jodie from MO
Hi Jodie,
ReplyDeleteWish we could hang our clothes out to drive here. There is something about it when you hang it outside. Not like when I try it in the dryer.
Good Morning Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI saw a robin bird this morning. My Mom always use to say that when you see a robin, it means that spring is coming. I hope she was right.
The pictures are great. The grass is so green and the clothes on a line are so Spring like. I'm getting really anxious for warmer temperatures.
Good Morning Doreen,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliments. I am getting anxious for warmer temperatures, too. It's suppose to be 40 here today or tomorrow.
Agree with Doreen! Beautiful pictures!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the compliment, Melissa.