Thursday, September 11, 2014



I wonder what she thought
As she stood there, strong and tall.
She couldn't turn away,
She was forced to watch it all.
Did she long to offer comfort
As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen
High above her head.
She could not shield her eyes
She could not hide her face
She just stared across the water
Keeping Freedom's place.
The smell of smoke and terror
Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor
But still we recognized...
How dignified and beautiful
On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought
And I know she must have cried.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.     John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)  35th U.S. President

I have no idea where the above came from.  We found the small article hanging in the building where my Nutrition Club 60 meets for lunch. The article was torn and yellowed with age, so my boss took it down and I brought it home to put it on here today.

What were you doing when you found out about the World Trade Center?  What did you think?


  1. I was at school in a math class and the counselor came in and told the class. My first thought was whether or not my son was okay as he was stationed at Fort Lee in New Jersey. At first I must admit I couldn't believe it, but then when we watched TV we realized how truly horrific and frightening that day was. God Bless America and all the men and women who defend it. Cathy in Webster

  2. Good Morning Cathy,
    Thank you so much for telling us. At the time of 911, I spent six months up here and six months in Florida. I hauled a travel trailer back and forth. Also, I owned a store up here. On that morning I was dressed, ready to go to the store and was watching the morning news. When I saw the first plane hit, I thought of the plane that hit the Empire State Building back in the 1950's. The plane took off, but the pilot lost direction and hit the Empire State Building. When the second plane hit, I knew this was bad, real bad. I took the portable TV to the store and as I was leaving, the man in the trailer next to mine came running out and told of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Also, what worried me is one of my niece's lives in California. She is a professional pilot and transport entertainers from one place to another. I was worried about her being in the air. I couldn't believe this was happening in our country. I was shocked.


  3. No, I have not forgotten. I had returned home from taking the two boys to school. Madeleine was home with me. I watched it happen on T.V. too. I cried and cried. Madeleine was only 3 years old and wanted to know why Mommy was crying. I had to turn it off and put on Barney for her. Yes, it sure was unbelievable.

  4. Good Morning Vickie,
    Thank you so much for telling us. It was unbelievable to us all.


  5. I was helping out at Faith Heritage School in Syracuse that morning. Our youngest son was in his first year of college in Fla. Shock,tears,prayer. And in all honesty-fear. Unimaginable, and yet the reality of it all was right in front of my face.
    On this, the 13th anniversary of the continued perpetration of evil on mankind by mankind, I thank God for His grace+mercy remembering that He is in control as Sovereign and rules by His providence. My trust must be in The Lord no matter what happens as the life of this world continues to unfold. Not easy, but absolutely necessary. May The Lord grant us all His peace which surpasses all understanding. Carol

  6. Marilyn - it would take 97 paragraphs to explain what happened on that day - myself and 6 other dedicated individuals worked 46 straight hours. but i did do an uplifting post about that day, that i would like to share with you and your readers.

    that day was horrible and scary, but there was much beauty and grace happening at the same time. see this post about a place, and a people, that no one has heard about. but they proved that evil will never prevail over good. please read this:

    your friend,

  7. Hi Carol,
    God oversees the good and the bad that happen to us. For some reason he allows terrible things to happen. We must keep our faith and trust in Him.


  8. Hi Kymber,
    Thank you for your message. I tried to get over there, but can't. I would really like to hear what happened in that 46 hours. I know part of our Fire Department and Red Cross went to New York City. I also know what was on TV. I still would like to hear what you have to say. I think it would be most important.


  9. "Only one life,
    T'will soon be past.
    Only what's done in Christ will last". Don't know who coined this saying, but it is true. Carol

  10. Hi Carol,
    Thank you so much. I like that. It's true.


  11. Marilyn - copy exactly this link:

    cover all of it and then hit control v. ten open a new browser and hit control c. that will bring you to my old blog entry.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn