Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Well, we own the place.  As Elmer said, he and Eli are painting our cottage for us.  Albert was doing the trim.  Albert and I really appreciate their doing this for us.  We didn't expect them to do it, but when they found out Albert was thinking of doing it - they said they would.  Even though our cottage is small, I worry of Albert painting all of it.  As promised, I will see that both Elmer and Eli get one of my mince meat pies.

Last night, Albert scared me.  He and I were reading in the living room reading when he said he had trouble breathing.  I was going to call for the ambulance.  Albert said to wait and took his heart medicine and I sent him to lie down in the bedroom.  Elmer and Anna stopped by for a minute and I told them what happened. They said to let Albert rest and they would be back the next day and left.

I went in to give Albert my lecture on how maybe we shouldn't have come to Florida or purchased this place when Anna came flying in and said to get Albert out of the cottage.  She and Elmer helped Albert out of bed and took him out the back door.  I followed behind.  We held Albert while Elmer ran next door and grabbed a yard chair for Albert to sit on.  I think the neighbors must have thought we were nuts taking a chair from their yard.

Finally I asked Anna what she was doing.  She said it was the paint that was making Albert have trouble breathing.  I said I didn't smell the paint.  Anna said that was the problem, we had gotten use to it and told me to go back into the cottage and breath, which I did.  She was right, the smell of paint was heavy.  Albert and I had gotten use to it while we were in there.

Elmer got Eli and they went inside and opened all the windows.  Somewhere they got some fans and put one in each bathroom.  Anna said we were staying at their cottage.  I went in to get some clothes but Albert told me to stay out of the master bathroom.  Elmer ran in ahead of me and closed the door.  I didn't think to wonder what was going on.  When I went to go into the bathroom to get some items to take with us - Elmer blocked me at the door.  Told me to tell Anna what we needed.  Then I wondered what was going on. Elmer said it was Albert's surprise.  Anna got the items.

When we got to their cottage, Anna aired all our clothes outside so they wouldn't smell like paint.  Elmer returned the chair we borrowed to the neighbor next to our cottage and explained why he took the chair.  Albert says we should get chairs for our back yard.

We spent the right at Anna and Elmer's last night and will tonight, too.  Today Anna and I went over and got our clothes out.  Albert showed me the secret master bathroom.  He had it painted mint green with olive color towels, bath towels and wash cloths.  It is really beautiful.  I couldn't believe that he remembered that I liked that color.  He said it was my bathroom.  We couldn't have it up north, but could here.  For once in my life, I didn't know what to say.

Anna took the towels with us.  Eli and Elmer are adding a second coat of paint today and leaving all the windows open with the fans to air it out.  Anna and I are airing out all the clothes and towels at her cottage to get the smell out.  The men won't let Albert in the cottage.  They don't want him smelling that paint.  Albert has been fine ever since we got him out of the house.  Anna was right, it was the paint.  I should have thought of that.

On a lighter note or maybe it isn't in the cost, we bought some items for our cottage.  We got a new couch for the living room.  This one pulls out and makes into a queen size bed.  In the the guest bedroom we bought two single beds.  If you have company, you can pull out the bottom and the bed turns from a single bed into a bunk bed.  When they leave, you can pull down the extra bed and it becomes a single bed.

We sold the couch that came with the cottage to a neighbor.  We will have the single beds that came with the cottage for sale this weekend unless someone comes along before hand.  Of course, these were delivered while the men were painting.  We didn't plan it that way, but that's when the truck showed up.  Eli and Elmer said they would set the beds up when they got done painting.

Also I called Jean and gave her a list of items we would like sent down here.  Jean said if I keep adding to the list, we will need a moving truck.  We want our Florida home to feel like ours up north.

Well, I guess that is all to tell you right now.

Be With God,



  1. Smart thinking on Anna's part. So glad it all turned out well. It sounds very, very nice now. Enjoy!

  2. Sounds like they should have used low VOC paint (Volatile organic compounds). Paints are chemicals that can be dangerous. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Good Morning Vickie,

    It was smart thinking on Anna's part, I never would have thought of that.

    Hugs to Mable and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  4. Good Morning Tom,
    I didn't know that about paint. Guess I am dumb, I always thought paint was paint. Shows you what I know. Will see they get your message.


  5. PTL that Grandfather Albert is alright+it didn't seem to bother Grandmother Olive quickly. Same thing when putting in new rugs, floors etc. all these items have to air out real well before occupying the area. They are so blessed to have Eli+his wife, Elmer +Anna in their lives as such wonderful friends. Praying for wonderful years ahead in Florida. Blessings to all, Carol

  6. Good Morning Carol,
    Anna told me she didn't think of the paint until they were on the way back to their cottage and Elmer said something about paint to her. Elmer thought she was off her mind when she started running back there saying they had to get Albert out. They are all great friends. Enjoying themselves.

    Blessings to you and your,s

  7. Hi Folks,
    Went out and took pictures again. Left late so just went around our area taking farm pictures. But, I did get something that will go on this Sunday if I don't find another church. If I do it will go on sometime. So I have barn and farm house pictures.


  8. So glad Anna got Albert to safety! I just had my bathroom painted and the fumes about knocked us out even though we used safe paint. I guess it was the small room. Sounds like Albert and Olive are really getting used to their new home and I wish them well.
    Carol in SC

  9. Hi Carol in SC.

    I will see that they get your message. I am glad that Anna got Albert out, too. They do seem to be enjoying their new home.


  10. Good evening, Marilyn. Glad that all is well in Pinecraft. It is scary when a loved one is ill. I think it was a wonderful surprise to add some color in the master bathroom. Laughing at Jean's comment about the moving truck. The same thing would happen to me...I need just one more thing, I promise! LOL

  11. Hi Angela,
    I agree with you on that all is well and the surprise in the master bedroom.Sure seems that they keep adding to the list. I will see they get your message.


  12. Sorry to hear about Grandfather Albert, but I'm glad it seems a very easy fix and not a serious health problem.

    Sounds like it should all be done soon, so they can get it aired out and just enjoy themselves!

  13. Hi Willow's Quiet Corner,
    Grandfather Albert is all better now. I think they are done with the painting now.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn