Thursday, June 11, 2015


These are pictures of a Weaverland Mennonite Farm.  I thought the house is unusual for a farm house.  Took these back on April 15th.


  1. Good morning, Marilyn. So nice to see some green grass, not much in California! LOL The farmhouse looks a lot like the ones in our area.

  2. Good Morning Angela,

    It is nice to see green grass. We have lots of it in New York right now. In our area, the farm houses usually look a little different than this one. Older and double storied. But I like this one.


  3. loved the pictures, especially the horses. I take my husband for rides and we stop and look at horses and cattle. We have a friend that has a horse farm. They are Gypsy Vanners. Beautiful

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    So happy you loved the pictures especially the horses. Have pictures of another horse to put on some time. These are beautiful horses.


  5. Hi Marilyn,

    I always enjoy your blog. My thanks to you and everybody else for your efforts.

    Question: In yesterday's recipe, one of the ingredients is "Asparagus Liquid." What is this referring to, and can it be substituted with water?


  6. Great pictures Marilyn. Especially love the horses, they look so peaceful and content in their area. What I also notice in these and some other pictures of Mennonite or Amish farms, that you had previously is how well kept they all are.

  7. Hi Stacy,

    Sorry it took so long to answer. I called Jean and she said you can substitute with water.

    Thank you for the compliments.


  8. Hi Ingrid,

    So happy you liked the horses. I have some more to put on. Not all the Amish houses are as nice as some and Old Order Mennonite. I showed pictures of one to Anna once and she couldn't believe that Amish kept a house like that. Anna's house is spotless and organized both inside and out.. The pictures I showed her were complete opposite. If she had her way, she would have gone over and cleaned their house for them and sent Elmer to clean the outside. I guess it depends on what order Amish you are.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn