Wednesday, November 11, 2015


                                         THANK A VETERAN !!

Are any of you that view New York State of Mind, a Veteran?


  1. Marilyn - i served 10 years in the Canadian Forces and served 2 tours of Alert, in the darkness months...probably a place that no one has ever heard of. but they can google it. i also served many temporary duty tours down in the US. i enjoyed my service.

    thank you for remembering.

    here in canada, we participate in 2 minutes of silence on the 11th month and the 11th hour on the 11th day every year. even stores and businesses follow this practice.

    thank you for honouring veterans and those that are serving.

    your friend,

  2. Marilyn - i'm back again. just wanted you and your readers to know that i put up a Remembrance Day (Veteran's Day) post about "Scotty" from Star Trek. many people may not know that he is a Canadian and also a veteran! if anyone is interested in reading the post - they can find it here:

    your friend,

  3. Good Morning Tom,
    Thank you for serving our country.


  4. Good Morning Kymber,
    Thank you for serving Canada. I know Canada is close to the U.S. so it is like serving both countries. I know when 9-11 happened know one helped us more than Canada did.


  5. Good Morning Folks,
    I did not serve in the military, but my oldest brother, George, that recently passed was in the Army during the Korean War.

    During World War my Dad was turned down for military because he had one leg shorter than the other. He wanted to help during the war in some way. He left the job he had. He and Mom moved from Chicago to California so Dad could work at MacDonald Douglas where they made the military planes. I wasn't born until they moved back to New York, but I remember Dad saying MacDonald Douglas slogan during the war was: "We keep them in the air."

    What was kind of funny was Dad's brother, Uncle Franklin, was in the navy and he was on the USS Enterprise one of the ships the planes landed on, gassed up and took off from. Some of the planes my uncle landed and sent off were from where my Dad worked.


  6. My husband and our three children were military. My two brothers were also military
    I tried to join the Air Force but at the last minute Mama refused to sign the papers.

  7. Good Morning Jodie,
    Please that your husband, children and brothers for serving our country. Mom's do things like that sometimes. My sister-in-law did that when one of my nieces wanted to join the Air Force, too.


  8. My Dear Husband served in Vietnam and our local grocery store served free
    breakfast to the Veterans.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn