Monday, April 24, 2017


I am sure many of you remember about this time last year when I had a broken leg and my Mother passed.  Marilyn and Elmer got together to take me to the African Violet Show.

When Michael came over to talk with Elmer, he told me that the African Violet Show was coming up and gave us the date.  Jean and I decided that we should take Marilyn to see it this year.  She has been ill, in her apartment with about the only time she got out was for the doctors, get groceries - only necessary things.  We decided she needed to go to the African Violet Show and anyway she did it for me, it was our turn to do it for her.

I contacted Dottie to see if she could drive us.  She was already booked by other people going other places, but she wanted to go with us, too.  Said she would see what she and her husband, John, could work out.  Later, she called back and said she could take us.  So we called Marilyn and told her she was going to the African Violet Show and wasn't driving.

Last Saturday, I walked to Dottie's as she lives right next door to us then we went off and picked up Jean.  From there, we went and picked up Marilyn.  Off, we went to the African Violet Show.  When we arrived, we walked through and saw it all a couple of times.  It was a little smaller this year than from last year, but the March wind storm, power loss in some areas and freezing caused many peoples African Violets to die.  Still it was a nice show.

In another room, they were selling plants, soil, fertilizer, containers and more.  We didn't buy any plants there this year. Oh I forgot to tell you that Marilyn took pictures, some which will be on tomorrow.  Then we got back in the car and came back to Marilyn's apartment.  We sat in her living room talking.  She had something in the kitchen that I had seen that needed cleaning, but I always forgot it and today was the day.  She has a post on it later this week.

Marilyn wanted to pay some money to Dottie for driving us, but we wouldn't hear of us.  We just wanted her to have a nice time. Dottie wouldn't take it from here, anyway.

We all had a great time that day and hope it made Marilyn feel better.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Happy to hear that Marilyn got out and the African violet show was perfect for her I am sure. Cathy in Webster

  2. Good Morning Cathy,
    It was perfect for me and I am so glad they arranged it and we all got to go.


  3.'s good to have nice friends.

  4. Good Morning Tom,

    It sure is and I have some great ones.


  5. It was a thoughtful and fun plan that your dear friends came up with - sometimes it's the best medicine getting out and about with friends. Takes you out of your troubles a bit. Hope that your health improves soon.

  6. I am glad you all had a nice time. I look forward to seeing the pictures Marilyn. How are your violets doing?

  7. Hi Mary,
    It was very thoughtful of them and fun time. Was a better view being out with friends. Did take my mind off my troubles. Am feeling much better now.


  8. Hi Vickie,
    It was a great time out. Pictures are tomorrow. My violets are in very sad condition because I did not water them when I was sick. Anna and Jean gave me some advice, which I am doing, but I don't know if they will all pull through.


  9. It is always a good day when we can spend times with friends. Thankful for Anna sharing and getting that outing arranged. Blessings on you all.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn