Tuesday, September 18, 2018


A couple from down state came up in our area to visit their children's grandparents.  As their grandparents house is small, they were staying at Eli's house.  During dinner, they were telling Eli and Emma about how they obtained their 10 children.  Eli thought this would be something that others would be interested to hear, so he asked them if they had another dinner at their house, would they tell their story again.  After Eli encouraging them, as they are not professional speakers, they agreed.

Their family use to live in Wisconsin.  Gradually they moved to New York.  All that is, but them.  They had decided to stay in Wisconsin as they had grown up there, they liked the area, their friends were there, etc.

All of their brothers and sisters were married and had many children - but them.  They wanted children, tried for children - had even been to the doctors - still no children.  One of the husband's brothers, that had moved to New York, had 10 children.  They prayed and prayed asking the Lord to give them at least one child, if it was His will, but it seemed it wasn't His will.

They told of how hard it was too see children at church, barn raising, etc. and they had none.  Friends told them they had many great virtues, which they did.  But they still wanted at least one.  They thought of adoption.  As much as they tried to put their desire out of their mind.  To thank the Lord for all He had given them.  But, still they had this pain and desire.

Then one day, they got a call.  The husband's brother and sister-in-law had been involved in a terrible automobile accident.  Some of us remember the accident, because our ambulance service was called to it, along with many others..  It was back 2011.  A group of Amish farmers and their wives were in a SUV, when someone coming in the other direction decided to pass a tractor.  Whether the fellow passing didn't know the SUV was coming or he thought he could make it around the tractor before he hit they SUV, I can't remember.  The SUV ended up under the tractor.  Many people were killed and some seriously injured.

The call they got told them that his brother had passed in the accident.  They immediately left Wisconsin to come to New York for funeral.  Shortly after they got here, their sister-in-law also passed do to the accident.  After the funeral, came, what should happen to the 10 children.  The local Bishop said he could find homes for them, but it would be dividing them up.  Couple talking said they prayed and prayed asking the Lord what to do. They could take some of the children, but all of them.  They had never had any children and now 10.  Deep in their prayer, they felt the Lord told them to take them all.  So they did.

At first they thought of taking the children to Wisconsin, but the children were not happy of that idea.  Again, they turned to the Lord, in prayer.  It was decided they would sell their farm in Wisconsin and move into the brother's  farm in New York, which they did.

It was kind of a shock, as they look back.  One minute they had no children.  Now they had 10.  Three of the children were teenager's which helped.  They explained how things had been done when their parents were there and that was the big help.  The children also did the duties and jobs they had done when there parents were there.  Part of it might have been the heart brake that they all left someone - their parents, a brother, a sister-in-law.  So they all went through the mourning together.
But in their darkest hour brought the brightest light the Lord.  They had to turn to them in their darkest hour - the children and them.

It is now seven years later.  They adopted the children.  Two of them are now married with families and another is going to be married this fall.

People asked them questions after they spoke.  They asked what was God's greatest thing through all this.  They said: God works in mysterious ways.   Also that in their darkest hours, the Lord was with them.

The reason they told this is not so they get a pat on the back, but to let people know that in their darkest hours, you don't know what the Lord has planned for you.

Anna and I enjoyed that evening.  When we got home, we thought of the darkest times we had and now that we look back, something good has always turned out.  Maybe not right away.  Maybe not what we wanted, but that dark always turned into a bright light.

I hope this may help someone.

Trust God's Wisdom,

NOTE: One of our members that posts  on  New York State of Mind asked for prayers for a family they know that lost a 5 year old child in a bicycle accident.  Their name is not important, God knows. 


  1. ...I remember this accident and have done business with his man.

  2. This has done me good, thank you Elmer and Marilyn for posting this beautiful and inspiring story.

  3. Good Morning Tom,

    How about that.. It's a small New York State. I remember the accident, too.


  4. Good Morning Mary,

    I will see that Elmer gets your message. You are most welcome.


  5. This is an amazing story to share with us all. God always has a plan far greater than we can ever imagine. If I could ask a question are all the children still living in the faith. I pray they are as I know sometimes children can struggle with their faith during such tragedy!! I know this couple would not share this for any prideful reason but God Bless you for quieting yourself enough to hear Gods call for you to step in and raise these children!!!!

  6. Hi Veronica,

    IT was lovely what you said and we should all agree with you. I will ask Elmer what you said.


  7. Quite a story.

    My parents adopted five over several years after trying for children. Then rather late in the game, my brother and I came along the natural way.

  8. Such a sad but happy story, funny how God plans things like this :) Keeping the other family in my thoughts and prayers!


  9. I think I remember that accident on the news. What a heartwarming story!

  10. I was thinking about that accident recently. This was a wonderful follow up. I lived in Geneva until 15 years ago. It's so nice to hear about home. thanks to everyone on this blog.

  11. Hi Everyone
    Thank you for your prayers. I will see that Elmer gets all your messages. It is such a heartwarming story.


  12. What a sweet reminder of Divine Providence rewarding faith and trust with a ten-fold answer to prayer.Prayers for the Family grieving the loss of their little 5 year old... I cannot imagine the heartache...
    May His healing mercies and peace fill their days.

  13. praying for the Family who lost the little one x

    It is a nice story also sad that the parents lost their lives.
    Happy to know the Children were not split up.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn