Tuesday, June 11, 2019


There won't be another post to day as I went to the doctor and put some drops in my eye so I can't see to well.  Have a recipe for tomorrow.  Has anyone had cataracks surgery? The Doctor said I should have it and I am scared to death.



  1. Marilyn, you being a God-fearing person I wonder if the fear you're experiencing may be the unction from the Lord that the surgery may not be best for you. The Lord spoke to me through a minister, and I cancelled my cataract surgery. Later on I found out there's an alternative way to treat cataracts. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to.

  2. ...don't be, I had both eyes done several years ago. It changed my life, go for it!

  3. Everyone I know who had the surgery did very well and were thrilled with the beneficial results. I think you'll be fine. It's a very common procedure these days.

  4. Marilyn, don't be concerned! I had mine done a few years ago in my mid-60s and it's a piece of cake! I developed what they call secondary cataracts after that and had laser on one eye to remove that. Still need to have the other eye lasered, probably this fall. I can now see distance without my glasses for the first time since I was a kid! Go for it!

  5. Marilyn, as already mentioned, cataract surgery is routine and I was
    amazed how simple it was to have and to heal... Place your trust in Him, Who graces you with loving protection.

  6. Marilyn, my mom who is 78, just had her first eye done - she had them knock her out so she didn't feel anything - it went super smoothly and there really isn't much to worry about :)

  7. Hi Everyone,
    Thank you all so much for your help. I really appreciate it. The time hasn't been set yet for when it gets done. I want to be out so I don't know what the heck is going on until it is all over. You are all so kind.


  8. No need to be afraid....iit’s a day surgery procedure.....the biggest thing is the prep work. The procedure is about 20 minutes. They numb your eye, they put you out.....you wake up.....get your instructions on what to do , your put big sipunglasses on and you’re out of there!

  9. I had both eyes done two weeks apart. The surgery is really nothing of which to be afraid. I'm also like Diann; I had secondary cataracts in both eyes and had the laser procedure done right in the doctor's office. It took less than five minutes and immediately I could see once again. No pain at all!

  10. Oh, thank you for telling me. Still haven't heard from when it will be done. I really appreciate everyone.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn