Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Just wanted you to know that I came home from the hospital just a few minutes again.  As Carol stated, I came through the operation well.  It has been a long day, so I am going to take a nap.  Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes.  They mean a great deal to me.

Bless You all,


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're home so take care! Carol in SC

Vickie said...

I am glad things went well Marilyn. I am sure you and Pierre are so happy to be together again. I am praying.

Vanssmomc said...

So happy to hear you are home Marilyn!! Also so glad to hear you came through the operation well. Take care and rest! Cathy in Webster

littlemancat said...

Happy that you're home! Thanks for the update and we're all keeping you in our thoughts.

Tom said...

...what wonderful news!

Bonnie said...

That's GREAT news, thanks for letting us know. Continue to get better everyday. There's no place like home. Bonnie

Gisa said...

... what a good news!

Rosemary said...

So happy you are home. Continued prayers.

Dynna said...

Loved the trains photos, Marilyn. So happy to hear you are home. Blessings and prayers to you.