Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Many people in my village, when painting their houses, have returned to vintage colors on their houses.  The original color on the house when built in the 1800's.  Here are just a few of them.


littlemancat said...

They are so pretty, Marilyn.
Thanks for the pics - I enjoy looking at houses.

Vanssmomc said...

Good morning Marilyn, our little version of San Francisco's "Painted Ladies"! Love them! Cathy in Webster

Vickie said...

These are great Marilyn. :)

evie said...

Sorry I could not post this on Monday
The Fifth of February was the Hundreth Anniversary of the Tragedy of the Troopship SS Tuscania which left Hoboken NJ to join other forces in the First World War.
On Board were over 2000 American soldiers and nearly 400 crew members.

The ship was stalked by a German U boat and finally torpedoed hours later

This happened in the Irish Sea where the ship still lies.

Over 200 men died some were saved by lifeboats others were washed ashore towards the Island of Islay in Scotland where The Islanders risked there own lives gathering up those who lost their lives and saving many of the men taking them into their own homes and caring for them for months in some cases.

This all happened at a time when many of the Islanders were off fighting in the war themselves,Islay lost over 200 men which devastated the Island.

On Monday 5th February 2018 there was a special remembrance service on Islay for all those who lost there lives and the bravery of those who helped and saved the Soldiers and crew.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,

So glad you like them. I try to come up with something new and different every once in a while. Will probably have this on again.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Cathy,

Glad you like these. The second house was a mess - paint come off- needed a paint job. IT really came out great.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Vickie,

These were just on one street in our town. Glad you liked them.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning evie,

Thank you for giving us that information. It is very interesting.


evie said...

Yes it is Marilyn and such important History

8 months later The Otranto Troopship again coming from the US sank after colliding with another ship then lost its way near Islay with over 400 lives lost.

There are monuments to both Tragedy's on the Island.

So very sad


Tom said...

...the lovely homes of Palmyra.

New York State Of Mind said...

Thank you, again, evie,
My Uncle was on a ship during World War II. Thank you for the information. It is a past that we should not forget. Many people gave their lives for us.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Tom,

Thank you. They are - well most of them are.


evie said...

You are welcome Marilyn and are right we should never forget

Tom reminded me I meant to mention the lovely houses I especially like the pale blue one photo number 4
