Thursday, June 7, 2018


This robin would sky dive us anytime anyone came out the back door of where I live.  Well finally, I found where the nest is - over our back door.  Since I took these pictures, the robins have moved into the trees across the street.  When I see robins - I know Spring has arrived.


Tom said... know that spring has arrived when the robins are back!

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

I agree.


littlemancat said...

I'm glad they've moved on to the trees - makes it better for their human neighbors. Nice photos, Marilyn.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mary,
I think the location was fine when they first got here and it was cold. The light, at night, would keep them warm. But when it got into the 80's, I think it got to hot for them. I am glad they moved. I worried about them and the people that came in and out the door.


William Kendall said...

Not a convenient spot!

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello William,

You right, it really wasn't. I am glad they moved.
