Friday, June 15, 2018


I was stopped at a stop sign and saw the children playing at the school Susan, David and Katie (Jean's children) go to school at. I took their pictures from a distance.  After taking them, I went to Bishop Joseph's for his permission to put them on here. Bishop Joseph could identify each of the children in these pictures, but he still allowed me to put them on here.  So, I thank Bishop Joseph for his permission.


Tom said...

...nice rural scenes!

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

Thank you.


Vickie said...

What a nice school!

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Vickie,

Glad you like those pictures.


William Kendall said...

They're at quite a distance, so that helps.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello William,

I know Amish and Mennonite don't care to have their pictures taken so when I do take them, I like to be far enough back so they don't known I'm taking them. Also, I happen to know Bishop Joseph who is the Mennonite Bishop of their area. Just to be on the safe side, I took the pictures to him and got his approval. If he hadn't approved them I would have deleted them.
