Thursday, October 4, 2018


Last Saturday, I was driving down the road and saw these pumpkins along side these graves.  I had to stop and take pictures. 

NOTE: My cousin Susie is in the hospital.  For many years she has had back problems.  Well October 2nd, she went into the hospital for surgery.  She came through the surgery, but is in great pain.  Also, she doesn't know if the surgery did what it was suppose to or not.  The doctor told her that it takes a few days to know if it worked or not.  I ask for prayers for my cousin.  She, her husband and family know the Lord.  Thank you so much,


Tom said...

...I've never visited this cemetery. Back surgery doesn't always work out well, I hope things improve.

Granny_J said...

Sending prayers for your cousin. I hope the surgery works for her. I have back problems and can sympathize with her.

littlemancat said...

Prayers for Susie's recovery and that they surgery worked.

Vickie said...

Marilyn, I am praying for your cousin Susie.

William Kendall said...

Hopefully the surgery has been successful.

Pumpkins by graves is admittedly a bit odd.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello Folks.
That you so much for my cousin Susie's prayers. Both Susie and myself really appreciate your prayers. I know not all operations work. Her last one didn't is reason she had to have this one.

Also, I am glad you liked the pictures. Pumpkins by graves is a bit odd. That's what stopped me to take the pictures. I do have other pictures of the cemetery that are interesting that I will put on later.
