Tuesday, March 5, 2019


                                          Most of the lake covered in snow
                                          Where the hotel is suppose to be built

                                         The birds at the dock
                                         Usually there are lots of birds.  These birds were it.
                                          The ice cream stand across the street is closed


littlemancat said...

A wintery view, for sure. But soon it will be spring and that ice cream stand will be open again
Today, here in PA, it's faschnaught(doughnut) day, or Shrove Tuesday for its proper name.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,
Can't wait for spring to come and the ice cream place to open.

One of our churches is having pancakes for dinner tonight to anyone that wants to come for Shove Tuesday. I like your doughnut day.


littlemancat said...

It's a Pennsylvania Dutch thing, Marilyn. People order ahead and often stand in long lines to get them. So good!

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mary,
I bet it is. Makes me hungry.


Tom said...


Laura said...

Hi Marilyn,

It always amazes me how different birds species can survive such conditions! That lake looks very cold but I bet once that hotel is finished, during the rest of the year, it will be beautiful :)


William Kendall said...

It looks quite cold.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Tom,

And we are getting more snow tonight and tomorrow.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Laura,
I wonder how they make it too. The other day I heard birds from the south flying above, but I think they were in for a surprise. The building the hotel didn't have enough money or something. It has been standing like that for a few years. Some other business group wants to buy it and build a hotel. Don't know if it will come to be or not. Also don't know if this frame is all right to continue or will they have to tear this one and start all over again. I think the city will want big money up front this time.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi William,
I think it was in the 30's when I took these.
